Minecraft Maps / Underground Structure

Great Dwarven Mines of Anomaly

  • 428 views, 6 today

How to find on server: Travel south from spawn over the deepslate bridge, then follow Channel passage until you reach it.

  • 4
  • 1
  • 1
Level 34 : Artisan Architect

The Great Dwarven Mines

These mines are not just a place to find all the stone, ores and other treasures found in the deep. They will have blazing forges, busy markets, cozy homes, giant furnaces, a grand arena, tall statues and more. They will have everything a dwarf could ever want all under one mountain.

Vertical Market
Located at the entrance of the mines is a small market that sells a variety of blocks and items that can be found in places all over the mines.

Grand Passage
The enormous hall on the other side of the main entrance that connects everything together.

Planned Features
Chest Shops
Mob Arena
NPC Shops
Player Housing
Mining Caves
Public Smelters

Progress15% complete

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01/18/2025 8:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
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