Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Hardhome - Game of Thrones

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sjoerdtim's Avatar sjoerdtim
Level 38 : Artisan Architect

After watching Game of Thrones episode 5x08, I decided to build Hardhome :)

Backstory (No spoilers)
Hardhome was the only major settlement of the Widlings beyond the wall, until an unknown cathaclysm (which many believe had something to do with the doom of Valyria) destroyed it. It is said the flames were visible all the way from the Wall, which was 500 miles away from the settlement.

Backstory (GoT S4E10+S5E08 spoilers)
Hardhome was the only major settlement of the Widlings beyond the wall,
until an unknown cathaclysm (which many believe had something to do with
the doom of Valyria) destroyed it. It is said the flames were visible all the way from the Wall, which was 500 miles away from the settlement.

Thousands of years later, when Stannis Baratheon defeated Mance Rayder's army, most of the Wildlings fled to Hardhome and took residence there. When Lord Commander Jon Snow goes on a mission to take the Wildlings back south to Castle Black in order to save them from the real threat, the Others, he goes here and discusses the threat with the Wildlings. After some discussion the Wildlings agree to go with him (on Stannis' fleet), but when they're transporting the people to the ships the White Walkers attack Hardhome in what later becomes known as the Hardhome Massacre.

Thousands of Wildlings and a dozen of Night's Watch men die during the fight, but Lord Commander Jon Snow manages to escape along with Tormund Giantsbane, Edd and a few thousand others. Shortly before they reach the ships, the Night's King, leader of the Others, raises the dead of the battle as new Wights for his army, making Jon realise he has come too late, and that the threat of the Others is becoming more real than ever.

Hardhome - Game of Thrones Minecraft Map

Interested in more Game of Thrones builds? I built The Wall and Castle Black on the EpicQuestz PlanetMinecraft account and Valyria on this account!

Subscribe to my PlanetMinecraft account and YouTube channel to get notifications when we release a new map!

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This project was made on the EpicQuestz build server with some help of them!
Progress100% complete

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06/14/2015 5:58 am
Level 40 : Master Pokémon
Maticrack's Avatar
Good job! I love Game of thrones :)
06/14/2015 4:57 am
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
bowbuilder's Avatar
i prefer the lotr builds but well not bad :)
06/14/2015 3:24 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
Eddie_vs_Minecraft's Avatar
Very nice work! Gave you a diamond.
06/14/2015 5:10 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
sjoerdtim's Avatar
Thank you! :)
06/13/2015 5:05 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Very cool!  :D
06/14/2015 5:10 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
sjoerdtim's Avatar
Mine Maus Craft
06/13/2015 1:05 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Mine Maus Craft's Avatar
What I realy like is to see ships that are not sailing atm with their sails not big :-) The ships look great!
( Sorry fo this bad description but I don't know how to explain it better in english)
06/13/2015 1:31 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
sjoerdtim's Avatar
These ships do actually have their two big sails up, so it's kinda smaller.
It's based on the actual ships viewed on the series.
Mine Maus Craft
06/13/2015 1:34 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Mine Maus Craft's Avatar
I din't watch one of the series yet, I'm still waiting for the dvd to be given back and I only want to watch it because of all the minecraft builds :-)
06/13/2015 12:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tostieizer's Avatar
Much hardhome
very nice
do want
