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Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Hello! I'm here today to share one of my most recent and wonderful creations, a statue of our beloved internet icon Hatsune Miku herself! <3

I built her out of wool because I'm planning on building it in my survival let's play and wanted to use simple blocks to gather in survival.
She isn't finished quite yet, as I'm still unhappy with her tie right now but it's built up enough where I'd like to show it off to the world!
I built her without many references so anything that I got "wrong" with her design we'll just call ~*artistic expression*~ :3

Unfortunately this is built in my personal creative world and so there is no download, but you can easily see how it's built, it's not too complex if you wanna like copy it or whatever.

Gosh I love miku so much, I had so much fun building this that I actually fell down my stairs cause I was too caught up thinking of how to make her better.
Progress90% complete

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01/10/2025 8:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
its so beautiful omg im so ugly sotp stop stop
please i love you so much i mean i love hatsune miku so much omg omg anyway can i buy that?? whats the cost?? OMG CAN U BE MY SLAY BESTIE!!!!
01/11/2025 5:07 pm
She/Her • Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Hey no! You're not ugly! No self-deprecation allowed, not in this house! But with that said, I'm very very glad you enjoy my build! <3

I just wanted to show the world my creation, I can get a map download in a few days if you like? But I do not think I can sell it as I don't know how, and don't really want to sell it anyways.
01/21/2025 8:17 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Its so cute! I love it! As well as your other pixel art creations!
