Minecraft Maps / Complex

High School in Michigan (USA) - Hunger Game - Roleplay -

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
Built in the 1910s, remodel in the 1980s, this massive school grounds is stocked inside and out, including main school building with 3 gyms, 2 pools, home economics, auditorium, JROTC, study hall, art, special education, library, computer labs, band, choir, drafting, wood shop, photography, video production, agriculture, ISS, and all the math, science, English/foreign language, social studies.

Sports offer: football, track, soccer, softball, baseball, tennis, lacrosse, basketball, wrestling, gymnastics, swim team, and indoor track.

Buildings on campus: 8 dorm buildings, 2 residential advisor apartments buildings, student center, church, competition basketball court building, kitchen/cafeteria building, bus garage, 3 greenhouses with fields, all out door sports support buildings (football, track, soccer, softball, baseball, tennis, and lacrosse), many parking lots, and main school building.

-Fixed building mistake in Brown Dorm Building
-Updated start up coding to give 50xp to all in Hunger Game
-Add missing potion crafting supply to teacher's cabins in front of room
Progress100% complete

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04/14/2022 9:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I've been looking for a Minecraft Map with a dormitory that was actually uploaded for people to download forever. THANK YOU FOR THIS.
04/18/2022 4:40 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
I'm guessing, is this for a YouTube role play of something? Send a link if so?
Locos de Porvida
02/09/2022 2:58 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Is a best map for Minecraft 🙂
