Minecraft Maps / Other

Hilton Hotel & Suites - Niagara Falls (Canada)

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Level 47 : Master Architect
Hilton Hotel & Suites - Niagara Falls (Canada) is a 4 and a half star hotel
overlooking Niagara Falls and Horseshoe Falls.

If you want additional furniture inside the hotel, download
the following:

Mr. Crayfish's Furniture Mod
Mr. Crayfish's Vending Machine Mod
Mr. Crayfish's Painting Mod
Malisis' Doors Mod

Right now, I just finished the North Tower so I can share it with you guys to enjoy.

This project will likely be finished in around June 30th - July 9th.

You are allowed to edit this world.

You can also send me a picture of your edit of this world in the comments section below!

If I like it, I will ask you if I could use it or not. Always check.
Progress50% complete

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07/22/2020 5:48 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Schematic Please
