Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

HMS Renown ( Arrogant class 74) full interiour

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Level 37 : Artisan Architect
As seen in the Horatio Hornblower series, i present to you:

The HMS Renown.

An Arrogant class Ship of the line, equipped with 74 guns, and fully historically accurate.

She is completely survival ready and properly scaled, so that you can use this for any survival map, adventure map, or server you'd like. if you want to use it, you may, but please let me know, because i would really like to see it :)

i got asked some questions about why my ships look so much like the ships Sillouete made. the reason for this is that my ships are largely based of his ships, with one major change. my ships are historically accurate, and come with a full interiour. which means that i might change the shape of the hull slightly, or redo the decks, or change the rigging.

to avoid future accusations, i would like to state clearly that i do not take credit for the hull designs on these ships. they are Sillouetes, and i only altered or modified them. :)

in the future i hope to do many more of these project, as i am very pleased with this one :)

if you like it, one klick on that dia-button, is all i ask ^^

Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Update #5 Finally Done! : by romowodajo 02/06/2018 9:56:54 amFeb 6th, 2018

Attention on deck!

After some months of not having worked on my projects, i can now proudly say that she is fully finished!.
Here is an overview of all the changes that i made since the last update:

- Improved the captains quarters, there is now an office and a proper sleeping cabin. I also made some small aesthetic changes in the main cabin, such as marble finishes.

- I vastly improved the rigging. I Completely redid the rigging, with the exception of the sails, and added halliards and sheets. I also added a ladder in the shrouds, so that you can climb up even when in survival.

- I finally added stay sails, something this ship was desperately needing.

- I changed the cannon design. i'm still not 100% satisfied, but i think this is the best i can do in minecraft. (if any of you have a better design, please let me know :) )

- I Completely redid the bow section, and made the overall shape less 'stumpy'

- Added chasers

- Got rid of the tacky gold accents, and replaced them with yellow and black.

- Added blue accents for which i used the HMS Vanguard as example.

- Slightly altered stern shape and look.

- Added a much needed powder magazine.

- Completely finished the bottom decks.

- Added a carpenters workshop.

- Added a ships brig

- Made some overall minor adjustments in details and finishings.

- Updated the download link

The old version of this ship is still here, next to the new one. so take a look at the changes yourselves!

I hope that you guys like this one, if so, let me know!

Also, i recently purchased an HTC Vive, and i used it to walk around on the ships i made. i can definitely recommend that, if you guys have a way of viewing these ships in VR, you do so. its really awesome!


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03/19/2022 4:23 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Reupload to GDrive for people for whom Mediafire's 1 kbps speed is too slow: drive.google.com/file/d/1meWZm5NOS8MyrbELzrhk6pcdj_scTCeu/view?usp=sharing
Landscape - Team
02/07/2018 4:24 am
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
Nice Ship !
02/07/2018 4:36 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
09/08/2016 1:46 pm
Level 43 : Master Prince
Nice, I like it, especially the stern
02/09/2018 2:56 pm
Level 43 : Master Prince
indeed great improvement on the rigging since last time, I love how you managed to fully set up the interior
09/08/2016 1:59 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Thank you, it was a true pain in the arse to make o.0
08/17/2016 2:50 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
My my sir, what a wonderful impression of one of the great Bellona 74s! Those ships of the line were, in my strict opinion, some of the most beautiful ships that sailed! You do her justice.
08/17/2016 4:17 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Thank you! :D i completely agree with you, the 74, the Hibernians, Bellona's, all those are in my opinion the most beautiful ships of the line. not as bulky as those 1st rates, very maneuverable , fast, and yet, a formidable fighting ship. THE workhorse of all prominent navies of the late 18th century. as for your suggestions concerning the rigging, i just realized that, although i based the hull of a bellona, i accidently had the plans for a hibernian 74 under my nose whilst building the rigging. those 2 classes look, as you might know, very similair, apart from the rigging, whereby the hibernian had a very short, wide, topsail on the for- and main mast. thats why the main topsail looks so ''off''. however, i think i might as well keep it this way. :)
08/17/2016 4:21 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect

his is a Hibernian, as you can see, it has a very specific rigging, especially on the main and formast.
08/17/2016 5:00 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
I think you might have mistaken the "rest position", in the layman's terms of the ship's yards for the actual placement of the ship's sails. The yards are lowered from their main positions when not in use, which releases tension in parts of the rigging and allows for maintenance, etc. Once they need to set sail again, the yards would be shifted back into their main positions.

Bellona's main advantage over Hibernian is that Bellona is a bit sleeker and faster. Bellona achieves the same armament rating with greater speed, Hibernia (as you can tell in the model there) is a bit wider and heavier. She doesn't have that grand slick bow :)
