Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Houseki no Kuni (Land of the Lustrous) Island + School

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Level 28 : Expert Miner
Houseki no Kuni (Land of the Lustrous)
Hey there! This is my first project that I decided to share with others :)

The aim of this small project was to recreate the full setting of the Land of The Lustrous anime/manga in minecraft.
The map includes full recreation of the anime version of the island along with the school building.

I included 2 versions: 1.12.2 and 1.14.4. The first has old ocean and the second has new ocean content and some upgrades to the main school building (new blocks).

The 1.14.4 version has minor chunk borders under the ocean only visible when you dive. I cannot fix it until either World Painter or McEdit/Amulet supports 1.14 world format.

The main island was shaped using latest World Painter. The school building and minor details around the island were "hand made".

Copyrights and whatnot:
Do whatever you want with this map. You can edit it, add new content etc. Just be sure to credit me.
You CANNOT however reupload it on other sites as-is and claim it yours.

Main one is the scale of this thing. The island in the anime is most likely around 3km in diameter. The one I built is around 1.5km in size. Same goes for the building (in reality its around 130m wide, here - its 60 blocks/ meters). Overall the scale of this build is varied from 1:1.5 to 1:2.
Other differences may include some places (like Highlands or swamp being in a wrong position on the map, as its hard to pinpoint the exact location on the island). Also the map has some more 'live' trees and animals instead of being barren.
Progress100% complete

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03/12/2023 9:51 pm
He/Him • Level 1 : New Explorer
amazing map, i'd love to see a updated version
01/06/2020 7:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I downloaded the map but it is not showing in minecraft, I put it in the saves file using %appdata% and nothing happened, then I put it in the New World file and still nothing, I need some help.
12/16/2019 9:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
can we have pictures of each of the floors?
11/25/2019 3:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hiya Im having trouble getting the map from the file dropper, is there another way to get it?
12/11/2019 5:06 pm
Level 28 : Expert Miner
Download should be fixed now.
12/19/2019 2:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Sweet Thanks! Just another thing, where do I extract the files too to use it? I'm quite the computing noob :/
11/22/2019 3:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey so this looks amazing and I want to download it but when I try the download mirror button it just takes me to an empty webpage. I think the link is broken?
08/21/2019 8:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hello. i'm having trouble with the map file. i tried to unzip/extract the file but every time it completes with an error and the world doesnt appear even with the land of the lustrous file being in the folder. can you help me?
08/22/2019 4:08 pm
Level 28 : Expert Miner
I used 7z to pack the file. Its in .7z format. Maybe the program you are using to unpack the file is having troubles? Try 7zip to unpack the archive.
09/01/2019 12:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
i did, and it didnt work. do you think the map file would be compatible for pe version? i want to try it on my android to see if it has the same problem or not
