Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Howling Abyss - ARAM in Minecraft

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Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Me (BaconYordle) and my friend (DJBaconDragon) are both very active League of Legends players. We thought that we could build one of the maps into Minecraft. We chose Howling Abyss.

Howling Abyss is a very beautiful map, with a lot of details to be done. 

The snowy/icy theme will make it a challenge to make beautifull, but we are working hard on it,

We want it to be a playable map as well, so that's gonna be a very hard challenge as well. We both know lots about redstone.

We're hoping to be done very soon, and we'll double check before publishing the map
Progress30% complete

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