Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

HSC Stena Explorer (V4)

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Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
This is a 1:1 scale furnished model of Stena Line's HSS 1500 vessel Stena Explorer that I'm building, which was in operation between Holyhead and Dun Laoriegh between 1996 and 2014. She was the first of three sister ships, and was capable of doing a service speed of around 40 knots. In addition, she and her two sisters were, and still are, the largest civilian catamarans to have ever been built.

I found a scale deck plan which I'm using for reference while building this model. At the same time, I've had to improvise and alter a handful of sections due to the blocky limitations of Minecraft's interface so that everything will join up correctly - for instance, the passenger staircases from the car deck will be only 1m rather than 2m wide like they were on the actual ship(s), and there will be fewer toilet cubicles. The original ship is 126.6m long and my model is 127 blocks long which is pretty accurate. I've been on this HSS and its sister at least 7 times in the past as well, so am familiar with their layout.

It's still in the early stages of development, but for now I've posted my current model along with some screenshots of my current (now original, my downloadable model is more up to date than the screenshots) progress for you to see it as it is at the moment. I've now posted the second update, which has a slightly improved interior (to my first) and an updated right side (as viewed from behind) which is close to what I want to achieve from both sides.

This map is best viewed with version 1.12.2.
Progress75% complete

2 Update Logs

05/04/22 Update 2 : by Gourlish 04/05/2022 10:59:51 amApr 5th, 2022

05/04/22 Update 2: The entire exterior is now more or less complete, spare a few finishing touches such as grills. The following is what still needs to be done:

Fitting out the vehicle decks and building the stairs to the passenger deck
Fitting out the upper crew deck
Adding the kitchens and toilet facilities
Fully furnishing the interior
Adding any finishing touches including machinery areas (which will have to be improvised)

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