Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

ImaginationVsNightmares(Collaboration with ethan5289)

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Level 39 : Artisan Toast
When a child goes to bed, what does he fear the most?
Is it the monster under the bed? Don't fret he has his battle dinosaurs to help...
Is it the spider on the edge of the desk? Not to worry, that toy robot got you covered...
Is it maybe something from the window? That toy pirate ship is making it go away...
But, did you forget to look somewhere...
Maybe in the...closet?...

LeScary & ethan5289 - main builders
matibian - for the awesome render
FunZ2002 - helping us make the ship
klokhuis101z - for the awesome renders and helping us with the child
Also thanks to the original creators of those 3 pixel art poster, whoever you may be!
So, basicly I had an idea of making a childs room, while he was asleep.
While he was asleep why not make all his nightmares real and make his toys defend him. Was a cool concept but when I started working on it I needed a bit of help, and thats where Ethan came, and from the early start we basicly did the build together. Huge thanks to Ethan and to everyone else who helped us with minor details and such!
I also wanted this text to rhyme but Im not that good of an writer or a poet! :P
Im currently working on another spawn build but this time in collab with klokhuis so stay tunned for that, but we will be posting it on his profile!
Progress100% complete

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Johnson J
12/14/2016 12:54 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Very great representation of what goes on in the Human sub-conscious mind. I'm definitely favoriting this; awesome job!
09/16/2016 10:49 am
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
09/16/2016 9:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hello,i am a Chinese player.Your map looks exllent.Can I repost your map on mcbbs(www.mcbbs.com).And you know most of the Chinese people cant open r download link like med.iafire.So i must create a download link .i hope you can agree!Thanks a lot and hope you have a good time!!!
09/16/2016 2:43 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
Yes, you absolutely can do that but on a few conditions:
That you give proper credit to the original creators
That you do not use this build to generate profit

I hope that many Chinese players enjoy our map as well! Thanks.
09/15/2016 9:49 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
I love this build! Massive, Creative, Amazing, Mind-blowing even! How long did it take you to build this?
09/15/2016 10:06 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
It took us around a week or so, and thanks for the compliment!
09/16/2016 12:57 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
Could been alot faster if we actually weren't lazy as much and if we knew what kind of monsters we wanted to create... xD
09/15/2016 1:21 pm
They/Them • Level 71 : Legendary Artist Senpai
This is one of those projects that deserve 500 diamonds, but only gets like 50 to 100

Eitherway - I'll give you a diamond cookie for the awesome project! :D
09/15/2016 1:42 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
Thanks alot if you mean it like that! :)
Don't forget to check my friend ethan who helped me alot with the project! :D
09/15/2016 6:48 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
This is one of the most amazing things i have seen on PMC! Sub!
