Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Imperial City (40k)

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Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
I've had an idea of making a (fairly Gothic as most people expect) imperial city including the giant walls and immense city inside. I'm currently trying to put together ideas from scattered images of different parts with collateral damage and im not sure just how LARGE it will be... possibly on the insane level. So ill add a few of these images in for you guys and your inspiration.

Additional Notes

Hell if we wanted we might make... several cities from different races... tyrandis of coursse wouldnt be one of them. I am currently testing scales and sizes in Singleplayer... though help is also usefull, when i finaly know how this is going down i will post an IP address
Progress0% complete

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06/23/2012 11:05 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
Sooooo is this going to happen or no?
