Minecraft Maps / Underground Structure

IronForge: World of Warcraft inspired build

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Level 34 : Artisan Archer
Needed a spawn for a new server I'm currently working on. Decided to make my own version of Ironforge, the dwarven captial from World of Warcraft because there really hasn't been a good version out there yet from what I have seen.

Currently only have the Great Forge, Tinker Town, and Deeprun Tram completed. I am working on the Common's and Military Ward now.
Still have to start the Mystic Ward and Hall of Explorers.
Progress40% complete

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07/24/2016 8:13 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dragonborn
nice project, juste the main cave look a little bit too small and very flat for ironforge, i hope you will add a download when it will be complete :D
07/24/2016 10:07 am
Level 34 : Artisan Archer
I thought the same thing when i started. The more i look at it next to actual IronForge, it is actually pretty close. I also tried to figure out some conversion between the 2 games, and it actually is pretty close to being the correct size. the problem is that a few things had to be built slightly large to get detail in them, which makes the room seem almost too small.

Do agree it needs some work to fix the flatness of it. Will probably be the last thing i tackle, being that a lot of the other areas are rather complex and then lighting the place decently will be problematic without ruining the overall feel.
