Minecraft Maps / Other

Lang Chai: An Asian theme game/city on the Aurora server

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Level 30 : Artisan Crafter
UPDATE: This map is down now, I have a copy and will make Lang Chai available as a SSP map soon/

[size=150%] [/size]

APPLY FOR BUILDERS RIGHTS Minecraft.net application thread


Lang Chai
is a large Asian themed city/game in Minecraft. with many citizens, Originally based on a small fishing village (Lang Chai means "fishing village" in Vietnamese) is currently home to over 50 Citizens (some have not rebuilt yet), merchants, Daimyo's and soldiers. Lang Chai offers detailed scenery to enjoy as well as some great role-playing opportunities.

Lang Chai includes market, housing and entertainment districts, docks,

dojo, Spleef arena, wheat farm, public mine, temple, restaurant, bakery,

inn, bath houses, an epic pagoda,

Chinese ship and more. Current ongoing projects are Himjei Castle (with underground

government complex).

The Daimyo are the nobles and are good ones to

ask for info or help. Daimyo's will be removed after a long time of inactivity (over a month). Citizens *IN GENERAL* will not have their houses destroyed until 3 months of inactivity.

One way to get a plot for free, as well as be active in the city is to

join the Lang Chai Army. Enlisting has many benefits which are carefully

listed on this thread:

AuroraMC.net Lang Chai Army thread


requires a donation of 10 stacks of wood, wool, or any ore to

purchase a plot, and all donations go to the city, however Citizens do

get paid in supplies at the post office. Build Height is 12 high, max

basement is 12 down unless you hit the mines. Buildings must not

overhang streets, and it must look Asian, rural or ancient in some way.

Please do not over use brick, cobble or dirt. Good things to use are

wood (all kinds) sand for walls and red wool for roofs/accents.

Another benefit of living in the city is that you get paid for building

and being active. Check in the Post Office frequently and look in your

chest for building materials and special items. The more active you are,

you get paid more. If you have a good idea for a public building or

monument, ask Ryan for permission. Most materials will be provided by

the city if possible.


a customized Painterly texture pack with red Chinese doors and dark

wood look the best. I plan on making a custom texture pack and signs,

etc later.

Emperor: ryanhuong Shogun: Amantis Army General: WoAiUtada Daimyo:

mugatu, pansarkurt, Nicklasbf,
timangl, 33degree, eastmeetsfist, Silaz, SpaceOctopus and Lucianhuskeh.

This fine city is on the even finer Aurora server, and you must register for building rights.

Server rules: TnT or stealing or griefing at any time.

City rules: No logging in the city. There is a tree farm outside the West Gate.

No digging down past 12 blocks, don't build more than 12 blocks high.

MUST use Asian, ethnic, or ancient style

MUST respect others, MUST have fun

Aurora link is right here also Join AuroraMC.net

and a Lang Chai specific thread here
Progress100% complete

12 Update Logs

Update #12 : by ryanhuong 04/04/2011 2:55:13 pmApr 4th, 2011

Added new pics of Himeji, Daimyo Estates and much more

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09/13/2011 12:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Map is indeed down but can be downloaded here: download link

I tried to crop it out, but had too many crashes, and never got it finished.

Lang Chai is due south east of spawn (the big crater in the middle is spawn) about 1500 blocks or so
02/17/2013 4:13 pm
Level 1 : New Architect
is it possible u can put up a new link. the other one is broken
08/05/2011 10:09 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
I heard that Lang Chai wasn't on the Aurora server anymore..
Will the save file still be up for download? :D (Because I'm not sure if the "UPDATE: This map is down now, I have a copy and will make Lang Chai available as a SSP map soon/" was abandoned.
Thanks :) It's a shame that something this awesome isn't on the server anymore!
04/04/2011 7:12 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
Holy shit, I don't mean to nose in, but did you guys base your statue on my Creeper Samurai skin? I feel f*cking honored!

This is an awesome project, such a great interpretation of the real deal in minecraft terms, big respect!
04/05/2011 2:39 am
Level 30 : Artisan Crafter
Yeah I used to use a regular Samurai skin, but since I found yours I have been using it. One of the builders on the server made that in honor of me... So now it watches over the city.
04/04/2011 6:22 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
this is awesome can i become a builder
IGN: Rscarth
WHY: I love this server and i really want to help
WHAT: I am going to build temples and stuff
04/05/2011 2:40 am
Level 30 : Artisan Crafter
Yes you can. Use:

04/05/2011 9:31 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
04/05/2011 4:00 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Crafter
Try the IP here, but beware, we are working on the web server and the 1.401 update doesnt let me on the server.

go to
for current info
04/04/2011 3:04 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Button Pusher
wow, this is insane!
