Minecraft Maps / Complex

Large football stadium for PVP arena or just decoration

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How to find on server: Goto the portal for PVP Stadium

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DrummerJacob's Avatar DrummerJacob
Level 28 : Expert Musician Architect
Welcome to Metropolis stadium. There is a whole city connected with this stadium, but in this schematic, you'll just find the stadium all by itself.

This is part of a larger city with over 50 buildings called Metropolis City. It took about 50 hours to build this stadium, and more countless hours touching things up and detailing.

Its not 100% completed but I'd say its at like 85%. What is not yet done are filling in the restaurants on both sides of the stadium on the inside, and detailing the coaches' offices and things like that. But all the main things are done.

The schematic is available for download below in the Alternative download link option.

Link to server where this stadium and many other buildings/creations are hosted:

Server: MetropolisCity.mc.gg

Website: metropoliscity.enjin.com/

Thanks for viewing!
Progress85% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by DrummerJacob 09/30/2022 4:18:37 amSep 30th, 2022

Completed the main shell of the stadium, the playing field and the locker rooms with coaches offices and restaurants as well.

Still need to fill in more restaurants and recreation areas on the 3rd floor and detail out the offices and extra rooms.

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