Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Le Bucentaure | A 80-gun ship of the line

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Gaulight's Avatar Gaulight
Level 43 : Master Prince
Hello, here is the last ship I have built, Le Bucentaure, the flag ship of the french fleet during the battle of Trafalgar. The ship belongs to the Tonnant-class and has 80 guns.
If you download it, you can use the boat to go with your own builds, however you have to credit me :).
Please note that there are 1.10 minecraft version blocks, that's why I can give you a version without those blocks, just send me a private message.
Also, this is not an exact reproduction, the historic ship was my model, but I've taken some liberties during the construction (the stern for instance).

Salut !
Voici mon dernier bateau en date, Le Bucentaure, le vaisseau amiral français lors de la bataille de Trafalgar. Le vaisseau appartient à la classe Tonnant et possède 80 canons.
Si vous le téléchargez, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour agrémenter vos propres constructions, mais il est nécessaire de me créditer pour la construction :)
Par contre, il y a des blocs de constructions datant de la version 1.10 de minecraft, c'est pourquoi je peux vous fournir une version sans ces blocs si m'envoyant un message privé.
Enfin, sachez que ce n'est pas une reproduction exacte, le vaisseau historique était mon modèle, mais j'ai pris quelques libertés pour l'embellir, notamment sur la poupe.

Hope you enjoyed !

Here is a list of high quality screens : http://imgur.com/a/bP7qt

Le Bucentaure | A 80-gun ship of the line Minecraft Map
Progress100% complete

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11/05/2016 12:38 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
-+Sagittarian99+-'s Avatar
Ah yes, the good ol Bucy! You do her justice sir, excellent work!
11/05/2016 11:52 am
Level 43 : Master Prince
Gaulight's Avatar
Thank you, noble captain :)!
11/04/2016 5:47 pm
Level 42 : Master Skinner
i4sheep's Avatar
Sexy Ship, mate
11/05/2016 11:49 am
Level 43 : Master Prince
Gaulight's Avatar
Thanks !
Admiral Cauldron
11/03/2016 10:39 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Admiral Cauldron's Avatar
That's a fine looking vessel you've got there !
11/03/2016 12:53 pm
Level 43 : Master Prince
Gaulight's Avatar
Thank you a lot !
11/02/2016 6:41 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Explorer
Desdruktiva's Avatar
Hey this is really good man, I'm not an expert on the tonnant class but I looked through the images and there's really only one thing I could think to change, and that's the cutwater could or should be a little sharper in angle. It's too bad u don't do interiors would've been nice to explore, good dimensions, sails, hull, materials, rigging etc.
11/03/2016 6:38 am
Level 43 : Master Prince
Gaulight's Avatar
Thank you for the comment. You're right, I agree that the angle of the cutwater could have been done better. When I have time, I will modify the schematic. For the interior however, I'm really bad at it, because building in such a narrow place is really difficult for me, and I did not surch informations about the interiors of the tonnant class :( .
In fact, I prefer to leave the ship empty instead of building non-realistic interior.
11/03/2016 11:34 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Explorer
Desdruktiva's Avatar
I agree as a principle doing no interior versus a no good one is preferable, but that is the rick right, the dedication to research, but finding accurate interior blueprints for the french tonnant is probably almost impossible considering how difficult it is to find it on even more famous ships. Noticed something odd btw, the 2 foremost guns on the first gundeck are raised one block, is this your choice or is it based on the actual ship? Never seen that in a ship of the line before.
11/03/2016 12:44 pm
Level 43 : Master Prince
Gaulight's Avatar
Yep, it is a personnal choice, only for an estetic purpose. The exterior is way more better when this 2 guns are one block below. (Actually, the level of these gun are difficult to represent on a 1:1 ship, I had to make a compromise.)
