Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Legend of Korra: City Hall

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Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Back in January 2015, Hades909 came to me and asked if I could build something for him.  I wasn't quite expecting a project that would take me 4 months to complete, but it was definitely a lot of fun to work on.  Armed with a handful of blurry pictures from google and not much more, I set to work building this huge building that I've dubbed "the monster". 

There were days when I thought I'd never get finished with this.  Days that I didn't want to even LOOK at it, much less think about dealing with the interior.  With so few pics of what the inside of the monster should possibly look like, it was daunting to say the least.  Then the problem inside became "how the hell do I light this thing up".   I'm still not thrilled with the interior but everyone else likes it so I just shut up about it and left it alone at a certain point.  Lighting anything this large isn't fun. 

There's some creative under carpet lighting on the ceiling using barrier blocks.  Without it the ceiling would be pitch black.  Much of the interior was guess work and so we filled in the spaces on the sides what can pass as work rooms or offices.  I tried to stay as close to the pics as possible for all other aspects of the build though.  I'm including a few of the ones I worked from just for comparisons sake. 

Unfortunately, I have decided that due to real life issues that I'm unable to build the other two buildings he requested.  However, I feel confident that the amount of love and dedication that his team is putting into this will result in outstanding builds for those as well.

Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I liked building it.  There is no download for this.  You can see it in game on our server by appointment only (unaccessible world) or by visiting the server it was built for once it's opened.

Resource Pack: https://soartex.net/

Built by: Eudaemonea for use by Korracraft

Additonal pictures:https://www.pinterest.com/alysianblue/city-hall-republic-city/
Visit our website: http://www.alysianblue.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alysianblue
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlysianBlue
Progress100% complete

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07/20/2016 9:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Looks awesome! Im working on the same thing rn but on a smaller scale soo its pain xD
07/14/2016 3:14 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman System
Looks great!
10/19/2015 9:08 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Such a great build Eudy! you are amazing
10/19/2015 12:50 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Thank ya ma'am
10/19/2015 12:35 am
Level 34 : Artisan Network
oh my god thats amazing. that roof view with the green globe thingy, that looks really really well done. also i'm a fan of that show lol
10/19/2015 1:00 am
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Glad you like it =)
