This Map is an entry in the completed Life On Mars Solo Build Contest.

Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Life On Bruno Mars - [Life On Mars Contest]

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Moustafa74's Avatar Moustafa74
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist

Hi, this is my entry to the PMC contest "Life On Mars", simply the face of Bruno Mars with falling Mars chocolate bars, he seems to beg for diamonds, or just try to catch the sweetmeat, hope you enjoy !

Renders, build, animation by me, full quality renders HERE
Thank you bruno to be a good model ! kiss

My twitter : @moustafabanana

Life On Bruno Mars - [Life On Mars Contest] Minecraft Map

Song about the organic
Life On Bruno Mars - [Life On Mars Contest] Minecraft Map

First, I wasn't very inspired by the contest, I expected to see
megastructures which fill all the terraforming to his maximal size
made by others participants, and I didn't saw the interest to make
something "déjà vu". So I downloaded the the map, puted
it on my server and simply flyed above, but I wasn't more inspired. I
decided to do something else, and came back later.

Two days later, I was re-reading the rules on PMC and an idea came to me,
the idea was around the term of "mars", because mars can be
plenty of other things, and the theme that I founded closed, suddenly
became an open theme. I started to make a list of things who had a link with
the word mars, and I had words like the god "Mars", the
marsupilami, the month of "mars" in french, the mars
bar, Veronica or Bruno Mars.. The concept was born, I was going to
make something fully offset.

Didn't know if public was going to like it, but if I applied myself a
minimum, there was no reason for the poject to be rejected.
So that's all for the story of the concept.

CreditBruno Mars, to be a good model
Progress100% complete

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06/12/2016 12:39 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Blacksmith
MrMoustaches's Avatar
loooooooooooool niceeee
02/26/2016 1:39 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
StraightUpKnives's Avatar
Holy sh*t you got talent m8! :o
02/17/2016 12:22 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
Lol.  This should've won tbh.
02/03/2016 3:53 am
Level 36 : Artisan System
xdthomasu's Avatar
01/05/2016 4:41 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Boorizz's Avatar
J'adore ce projet et la touche d'humour qu'il ajoute au project contest !  J'ai d'ailleurs été presque étonné de ne pas voir la note d'originalité encore plus élevée pour ce qui est de résultats, je m'attendais peut être à plus encore ^^ Très bien réalisé qui plus est !
12/28/2015 10:30 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Lad
duckiez's Avatar
222nd diamond!
12/27/2015 11:01 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Sim16matt's Avatar
Seulement 78 points pour le concept et l'originalité... J'ai pas trop compris, justement je trouve que c'est toi qui devrait avoir le plus de points sur ce critère x) mais bon un grand bravo pour être 6ème, c'est déjà énorme
12/28/2015 1:30 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
Moustafa74's Avatar
Thank you ! I didn't either understand, but this is the game, in return I still have the biggest nomber of diamonds of the contest, and for me, public is the real judge. But I really like projects which precede me, and judging in only a question of point of view :)
12/25/2015 4:30 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
shanewolf38's Avatar
Haha, this is amazing! Incredible job, Moustafa! :D
12/25/2015 8:44 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
lol :D good one :D
