Minecraft Maps / Complex

Los Angeles Rams Stadium (Design Your Own Seats Version)

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Level 32 : Artisan Architect
Welcome back to Los Angeles -Rams. NFL Franchise owners agreed to let Stan Kroenke move the team back to L.A. after 21 years. I'm not personally a fan of the Rams, but I wanted to make an NFL stadium and it doesn't seem like anyone has made a Rams stadium!! The stadium is a work in progress....I plan to have it completed by 01/01/2017! I am recreating Los Angeles in Minecraft!! This Version has 7000+ spots for seating!!
Progress65% complete

1 Update Logs

Parking : by TheCalebTBrown 04/24/2016 3:10:55 amApr 24th, 2016

The Parking off of the Medical Center is player and staff parking! I am going to be adding 100,000 parking spaces to the final version I release early July! The Final Version will have the stadium (56,000 seats) Office Building (Rams Tower 10 floors) and 100,000 parking spaces!

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