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Brauhaus der Hoffnung (Creative-Server) - Map 7
This map was online from July, 27 2012 till Januar, 31 2013 on one of the biggest and oldest minecraft servers in germany - the "Brauhaus der Hoffnung" - german for "Brewery of Hope".
This download of our seventh map contains our overworld (4000x4000) with many theme cities & other cool projects.
If you download the Map, you won't regret it!
And don't forget to subscribe and share it with your friends!
Theme Cities:
- Katoran - a medieval Kingdom (including many cities with different building styles)
- Antares - a flying Steampunk city
- Welarch - a city swimming in the sea
- Fairdown - a imperial (18. Century) - styled city
- Area 51 - a modern sience lab
- Wulfstead - a oriental city
- Sky - a sci-fi city in space
Our old Livemap is still aviable - you can see it here: Click here!
We uploaded some of the Highlights of the map as seperate projects on Planetminecraft:
- A huge cathedral
- Our epic courthouse
- Our central train station
- An arabic mosque
- A space station & a sience lab
If you don't want the map to burn down, you`ll have to set up a server with Worldguard and fire / melt protection.
We only allow the usage of this map and the buildings for personal use. You're not allowed to load this or parts of it on a multiplayer server with more than 4 slots.
You liked this project? You can also look at our other Projects!
We would also like to see you soon on our servers:
More Information about us:
- TeamSpeak3: ts.minecraft.name
- Homepage: www.worldofminecraft.de
- Forum: www.minecraft-forum.de
Progress | 100% complete |
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7 Update Logs
Update #7 : by BrauhausDerHoffnung 01/03/2015 7:16:27 pmJan 3rd, 2015
- Fixed Livemap-Link
- Fixed some Warps in our Download - more improvements coming soon (well, at our speed most likely in a year :/ )
- Working at a download for our Space-Map (& Freebuild coming later)
- Collected all Projects from Map 7 in one collection - just follow the link in the description
- New Projects from map coming soon - already uploading schematics :D
- New Projects from map coming soon - already uploading schematics :D
- Reworking our Homepage / Downloads
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Muss ich die Map auf einer bestimmten Version spielen, oder woran kann das liegen, dass plötzlich die Welt ageschnitten ist? =)
Sadly we haven't got much time atm - so we're not able to help you :/
Great work! :)