Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Map Quest The Portal Crystals

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Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
Map Quest is an epic Adventure Map with huge Castles, towns
and an engaging storyline with many cutscenes...

Trailer made by Bleaker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl7qVwT4gFI

The Story

Long ago your brother disappeared and there has never been any clue of
his disappearance..But one day when you were cleaning out your brothers
old boxes you found a map that has brought you to this place and whilst
searching for your brother you stumble upon a cave, do you enter?
-of course you do! only to find the cave entrance
caves in, trapping you inside, And So Your Adventure Begins...

This map can only be played in 1.11
-any version later than 1.11 will not work -This is a 1 player map only
Map Features....
-Custom music and sound effects
-Custom texture pack, that loads with the map
-Custom mobs and villagers
-Cutscenes, 3d models
-Custom potions
-A currency system
-Enchanted weapons and armor with modifiers
-Animated textures
-Huge castles and towns to explore
-Over 41000 command blocks used
-Two Different endings
-Some voice overs
-Right click on villagers to talk
-Fully interactive map, right click on everything
-Interactive world map that shows locations of various things
-Fully detailed world and buildings
-Many fun and rewarding challenges
-Custom colored items
-Discover chests and treasures everywhere you go
-No frustrating hidden buttons or levers

After working on this map for 2 or so years- it is now complete

Follow the story for a while then play the way you want- do a dungeon or

don't do any at all, do that parkour course or not, play your way, you can still
finish the map...

There is a solution button for every puzzle if you get stuck
-but the map will remember how many you use

Optifine for 1.11 is highly recommended or it will be very laggy..
Always maintain a render distance of 11 chunks or more...

If you like this map please let me know in the comments,
Any videos made on this map, please leave a link on your video, back
to this page...

-Credit goes to DL sounds for some of their royalty free music
click here-

-Credit to Mr Crayfish's Model creator
click here-

-Credit to The redstone scientist's
cutscene pro
click here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukR7126RkU4

-Credit to Bleaker for testing the map and making the trailer.
click here- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPkLG5BwZZDM1iWnYwJtOIw

If the texture pack did not load with the map
download here-http://www.mediafire.com/file/7ofwwak170dz13c/Map+Quest+Pack+for+1.11+only.zip

CreditThe Redstone scientist, Mr crayfish, DL sounds, Bleaker
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by mick_5 09/06/2017 11:30:37 pmSep 6th, 2017

Update 3 fixed 3 quests, and fixed some signs removed the paid link and put normal link to mediafire as adflky creates too much spam

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01/21/2019 9:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
great map. I enjoyed the fact of the possibility to find more portal crystals. I found 33 of them and I only wish that there had been some generalized location list of them like there are 3 in the mage tower village or such. It was still fun though knowing that I was able to find them all on my own. I'm still curious as to where the last 5 were and what the "worse" ending was, but I'm still really happy with the map and have found that your exper ability at map making still awes me at every turn and I love playing your maps, please never stop giving us a great experience with your maps.
01/21/2019 11:22 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
Hey thanks again, hearing comments like that inspires me to keep making maps, and if you start a Youtube channel, good luck, I would look forward to seeing you play some of the maps..I do have a list of where all the portal crystals are, I will see if I can find it... Also thanks for the diamonds.
01/21/2019 11:20 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
Here is every crystal-

1- Stonewall Village well,
2-When you do the elf Quest in Pine Forest
3- Elf parkour course in a tree in pine forest, heading towards Haybale Village
4- The ruins near Zara's house and Haybale Village
5- The graveyard, by pushing the red gravestone -coodinates tp 283 12 316
6- No.3 Snowtop Village to start quest frozen pond -coodinates tp 362 12 318
7- Survival Area, -coodinates tp 330 43 435
8- See a witch when you have a money bag for a secret to a crystal -coodinates tp -317 44 464
9- Trade NPC makeup for crystal -coodinates tp -170 12 229
10- House 3 Brookwater Springs, -coodinates tp -170 12 114 when you enter the NPC asks you to leave and counts down, don't leave for a crystal.
11- Rotwall Cave -coodinates tp -29 12 60 need a torch, it will tell you if you press the button
12- Parrot Quest in No.3 Brookwater Springs -coodinates tp -211 12 13
13- Speak to Conroy, right click on him to talk -coodinates tp -148 12 -78
14- Buy house No.9 Brookwater Springs(North) -from Jbeard in house No.1 Brookwater Springs, -coodinates tp -213 12 48
15- Abandoned Village, look for the torches in the hut, search under the hut for a ladder -coodinates tp -267 78 -296
16- Under a pond in Brookwater Springs, right click NPC for info -coodinates tp -168 12 -34
17- Gretchens Quest No.6 Brookwater Springs -coodinates tp -119 12 117
18- The Tribe Village, use your shovel to enter -coodinates tp -164 55 -224
19- Mountaineers quest -coodinates tp 76 105 82
20- Mountain Top -coodinates tp 188 125 -20
21- A cave near Memorah gate, you need the water hat to enter -coodinates tp 378 12 -125
22- Water Cave near skeleton Dungeon -coodinates tp -388 23 430
23- At nighttime stand on the jetty and look at the Palm Tree, you will see a cross where you can use your shovel -coodinates tp -397 26 455
24- Another mountain top one -coodinates tp 49 125 502
25- 5 holes in the ground -coodinates tp 46 63 -349
26- The Abondoned mines, go to house No.5 Mages village to start quest -coodinates tp -127 12 309
27- cave in mountain for crystal -coodinates tp 112 84 158
28- Shallows Cave -coodinates tp 254 21 -389
29- Francis Blacks quest -coodinates tp 226 33 -356
30- Salwater Cave Crystal, speak to Jipton in cliffville terrace -coodinates tp -111 56 523
31-Cliffeville terrace speak to cleaner -coodinates tp -120 56 524
32-Parkour for a crystal -coodinates tp 137 101 506
33- No 15 mages village A lever combo, get code from house 4 -coodinates tp -143 12 316
34- Start Cubeholic's quest -coodinates tp -194 12 -38
Plus the 4 dungeons hold a crystal- that makes 38, the last crystal 39 is in the 7 mages village, in house no,12 if I remember.
01/05/2018 5:13 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
This map is safe to download, right?
01/05/2018 6:26 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
This map is safe to download there are no adfly links, it downloads straight from mediafire... I hope that helps.
12/28/2017 10:48 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
This Map was so much fun. I'm almost sorry I didn't stick it out and find more portal crystals. I may play it again sometime just to see the other ending. I liked that there wasn't a lot of parkour. I am really bad at parkour, but I love adventure maps. What saved me was limited cheeting. If I just could not get a jump I went into creative just long enough to get by the jump. Other than that I followed the rules and had a blast. Very good story, loved your interactive map. It was great to check on what and where. Loved your signposts. Beautiful map. I will be looking into other maps that you have done.
12/30/2017 9:32 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
Thank you Cinthea for playing the map and taking the time to post a comment, I am glad you liked it, my other maps are actually a lot harder and I found a lot of people never finished them, so I made this map a lot easier hoping more people would finish it, anyway thanks again for playing the map and the diamond it is really appreciated.
09/04/2017 2:25 pm
Level 44 : Master Button Pusher
im not done yet but it seems like a really good map. well done. my only suggestion is to put all the scoreboards in the sidebar instead of just the portal crystals. I'd rather see all of them all the time than press a button to view them.
09/04/2017 6:48 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
Hey ClashAssassin, thanks for the diamond and kind words, i am glad you are enjoying the map. I actually have not found a way to display 3 scoreboards at the same time except for having them on a clock so they rotate, but it would mean adding a lot more clocks throughout the map which makes it even laggier than it is. I am not sure on any other way of doing it but I will research it..
09/09/2017 5:03 pm
Level 44 : Master Button Pusher
i can tell you how. you need to make a separAte scoreboard with objective 'dummy' which will de displayed on the sidebar. Add made up player names to the scoreboard with what you want shown (example: portal crystals, hints, deaths, etc.). Then you need repeating command blocks happening all the time which set the score of their equal to whatever scoreboard you normally use to keep track of it. In case you don't know the command:/scoreboard players operation (NameOfPlayerOnObjectiveShown) (NameOfObjectiveShown) = @p (OriginalScoreboardNames)
