Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

medieval church - église médiévale - mittelalterliche Kirche

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Xonox's Avatar Xonox
Level 57 : Grandmaster Carrot
This is the original church from my epic medieval city COLDNEST.

There are three hidden eastereggs.
I bet you dont manage to find all of them.
Please write in the comments when you find one.

Further use of my buildings is only allowed, if you get no earnings whit it.

Ca c'est l'église originale de ma ville médiévale magnifique qui se nomme "coldnest".
Il y a quelques surprises, que j'ai caché.
Je parie que tu n'es peux pas trouver toutes.
Si tu trouves une, écris une commentair ou un message privé à moi, s'il te plait.

Tu as le droit de réutilise mes projets, si tu ne fais pas des recettes avec les.

Dies ist die originale Kirche von meiner mittelalterlichen Stadt "coldnest".
In dieser Map gibt es einige Eastereggs zu finden.
Ich wette, dass du es nicht schaffst alle zu entdecken.
Falls doch, schreib doch bitte einen Kommentar oder eine pirvate Nachricht an mich.

Die Weiterverwendung meiner Projekte ist, unter der Voraussetzung, dass damit keine Einnahmen generiert werden, erlaubt.
Progress100% complete

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12/19/2020 1:45 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Quite nice surroundings to look at while flying through the PMCview3D. Quite the names you put on the tombstone's in the graveyard.

Ps, consider pressing F1 before taking screenshots, it will hide the item-bar and cross-hair.
pps. nice front picture with editing the church into an actual real-life picture
12/19/2020 1:53 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Carrot
Xonox's Avatar
Thank you so much for your reply.

It is always nice when someone take the time to write a serious commet.

The surroundings are part from my medieval city coldnest. You found all further buildings from this project in the links which i put in to the description.
There are even more details then the names. Actually there are 3 Eastereggs to find in the map.
If you download the map you could try to find them.

Thank you for hint with the F1 button. I did not knew this.

I love to play around with photoshop. This is why i make those pictures. Bud this one i dont really like because the perspective did not work very well.
12/19/2020 2:39 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Small feat (+ I like those extensive comments like your replay).

Easter eggs wise, I don't think I have found those. Unless the raw chicken outside the church lying on the ground was one. Just like the dead person near the fallen tree (nice detail). And I have no clue for the third to guess.
12/19/2020 6:23 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Carrot
Xonox's Avatar
haha no the raw chicken wasn't one.
But yes the death person was one.
I send you a privat message with the others.
