Minecraft Maps / Other

Medieval fantasy majestic cathedral [Download]

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Level 46 : Master Paladin

Hello everyone !
Two uploads in one day ! Another one is coming very soon.
The interior is not showcased in the screeshots because it holds content for my server.
Lore speaking, the cathedral belongs to a city named "Amaryllis". Build after the first great war by the church, the majestic building holds accomodations for the monks and a few travelers. It is ruled by a great priests who prays several gods and each one has a statue on the three wings of the cathedral.Speaking inspirations, of course it was a mix bitween gothics churchs pictures, a few AI generated images for the front and a lot of freestyle in order to make it look "fantasy" with many details around.I hope you like it.

Please leave a diamond and a comment if you liked the content.

Once again, there is no interior.

If you use this build on your server please CREDIT ME

Also, if you want to take inspiration from my build it would be nice to credit me or at least notice me, because I really enjoy looking at what you make from my builds ! :)

Render credit : Cydu06 on Fiverr
CreditRender : Cydu06
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

MAP DOWNLOAD #1 : by Thaerix 08/05/2024 1:28:20 amAug 5th, 2024

I decided to upload schematic and map files.


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06/28/2024 4:52 am
He/Him • Level 11 : Journeyman Taco
Idc if there is no download this build is still so cool!!! Can you like please make more
08/17/2024 5:36 am
Level 46 : Master Paladin
download available if you want :)
08/17/2024 7:22 am
He/Him • Level 11 : Journeyman Taco
Thank you for making avavilable i will download and build it in survival thank you
07/16/2024 3:48 am
Level 46 : Master Paladin
Thank you very much, I will upload more in the future. And this one may finally be downloable one day !
06/17/2024 7:41 am
They/Them • Level 71 : Legendary Artist Senpai
Holy moly! Absolutely incredible work on this one O:
06/17/2024 9:38 am
Level 46 : Master Paladin
Thank you so much !
