Minecraft Maps / Other

Medieval Tavern

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Level 27 : Expert Architect
A medieval tavern with a bar and rentable bedrooms. The tavern is supposed to be located in the town or in a larger village. There is a storage room under the bar.

You can find it at:
X: -3
Y: 70
Z: 267

- inn with a bar and seats
- two balconies with seats
- a hall between the rentable bedrooms
- four rentable bedrooms
- bathroom
- storage cellar

Leave a diamond if you like it and thank you for watching! I hope you enjoy it! :)

Texturepack: Soartex Fanver 4.0.1
Shaderpack: KUDA Shader 6.5.24
Progress100% complete

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07/21/2017 11:23 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
Very nice, good use of space and lots of great detail. My only criticism - more a suggestion? - is that everything looks to uniform and new; it looks like a modern-day rendition of a medieval tavern rather than something built by hand six hundred years ago. Try adding in "imperfections" here and there to give it the hand-built, weathered and lived-in feel; I think it will give the design more verisimilitude. But don't get me wrong, it's a very nice build and I like it a lot. What's your stand on others using your constructions in their own builds?
07/21/2017 12:38 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Thank you for your criticism. I'm glad you like this project. Of course, I do not misunderstand: criticism is important; Without criticism no one can improve. Personally, I think it's okay to include the projects of others in his own projects. Of course, it is important to name the source in this case the "builder". If you are planning to use one of my buildings, I would be glad if you would point out the publication of the respective project because I am interested in how my own constructions are used.
