Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Metropolis of the gravity seals

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Depraved Creeper's Avatar Depraved Creeper
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far, far, far, far away, there was a very intelligent seal pup. His name was: 'Fluffy'. Fluffy, unlike the other (rather moronic) seal pups, grew up to become a very clever scientist.

One day, during his daily routine of solving complex equations and unravelling the secrets of the universe, Dr. Fluffy stumbled upon a formula that could lead to the generation of gravitons. Gravitons are theoretical force carrier particles (a type of boson) that are meant to mediate the force of gravitation in quantum field theory. Naturally, Dr. Fluffy knew all about these gravitons and had one of his profound ideas for an application of this formula.

After years and years of experimenting and re-experimenting, he finally perfected a new technology that could reverse the spin and polarity of the graviton, hence allowing him to defy gravity! Not all the seals liked his idea. President Sealus Maximus said it was unnatural for seals to defy gravity and condemned Fluffy to life in prison.

As I have mentioned, Fluffy was a very clever seal. He had a plan. Fluffy had many, many rockets and spaceships stockpiled in his garage for emergencies. One night, Fluffy escaped from prison! He went to his house and took out his anti-gravity machine. He crept out to his garage and stored his machine in the storage compartment of one of his spaceships.

Everything was in position. All that was left was to track down his wife (Sealvia) and his son (Dave) for they had moved while he'd been in prison. He found them in district 103 of the Seal ocean. He explained everything and apologised for being so secretive. He brought them to his spaceship and off they went!

Two days later, Fluffy decided they had arrived at the prime location for the next step in his master plan. Fluffy took out his anti-gravity machine and turned it on. Fluffy, Sealvia and Dave began to build houses and cool stuff. They continued to build a city completely on their own, all from materials from nebulae and far off supernovae. Everything they built stayed exactly where they wanted it to thanks to the profound genius of Fluffy.

Other seals from the seal planet heard of Fluffy's utopia and decided they'd check it out, much to the dismay of the tyrant: President Sealus Maximus. All the seals who came to Fluffy's utopian metropolis stayed, angering the now subjectless President Sealus Maximus.

President Maximus discovered that all the nuclear missiles on Seal planet war still there and operational! He decided he would DESTROY Fluffy and his home!

Alas! Fluffy was prepared and calibrated one of his machines to deflect the missiles! President Maximus was furious and decided that he was going to kill Fluffy in flipper to flipper combat. President Maximus slapped Fluffy across the face! Fluffy, once again, was prepared and slapped him back! This went on for a while. President Maximus was gaining the upper hand, having done some push ups in preparation for this confrontation. Just as it seemed all was lost, Fluffy revealed his secret weapon - a very recent invention he called the: 'Gravity gun'.

The gravity gun was a very clever invention. It worked by shooting a very small neutron star (They have a lot of gravitational force because they're very dense) in to the enemy and proceeded to crush them from the inside.

Anyway, Fluffy shot President Maximus and President Maximus died!

Dr. Fluffy, Sealvia, Dave and the former residents of Seal planet lived happily ever after in THE METROPOLIS OF THE GRAVITY SEALS!

This build includes:
- 1 Anti-gravity swimming pool
- 6 Anti-gravity machines
- 8 houses of 4 different kinds.
- A ball thing (Use your imagination)

I did not include all the seals in the world download. However, I did provide a schematic for them. Have fun!
Progress100% complete

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Mine Maus Craft
09/15/2014 12:03 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Mine Maus Craft's Avatar
It's amazing, i love it!
09/13/2014 6:13 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Blockhead
Rush_Official's Avatar
Fluffy is luv, fluffy is life.

It's all seal now...

09/13/2014 6:14 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Blockhead
Rush_Official's Avatar
I love it!
Depraved Creeper
09/13/2014 7:03 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper
Depraved Creeper's Avatar
I'm not sure what any of that means but I'll take a leap and say I agree with it.
09/14/2014 12:38 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Blockhead
Rush_Official's Avatar
Lol ur welcome :)
09/13/2014 4:38 pm
Level 25 : Expert Button Pusher
insanetea's Avatar
Your detailing methods are just... wow.
Very similar to my builds, I might get some inspiration from you. :D
+1 diamond.
Depraved Creeper
09/13/2014 4:59 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper
Depraved Creeper's Avatar
Thanks a lot! I'm glad that I could inspire you. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
09/13/2014 2:21 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
PleaseCraftTeam's Avatar
Depraved Creeper
09/13/2014 3:13 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper
Depraved Creeper's Avatar
09/13/2014 1:54 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
xLonexWolvzx's Avatar
Absolutely stunning.
