Minecraft Maps / Complex

Minecraft Askew Panorama World!

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Krzysztof Pikes
Level 28 : Expert Musician Cowboy
It's the 1 year anniversary of Minecraft: Askew!

So I thought it'd be a nice treat to share the HUGE world me and my pals made for the panorama!

This originally began as a regular survival server between me and a bunch of my friends specifically for testing Askew! You'll probably be able to tell because all the chests are like......still filled with a bunch of crap

We then spent nearly a week building a bunch of cool stuff to make the world as cool as possible for the actual pack :D!

(You can actually watch us build it!)

Thank you once again for all the support on Minecraft: Askew! Your continued support means more than you could ever know :)!

World should work nicely from 1.20 onwards :)!

Seed is unknown! I had to do that thing where I strategically deleted chunks so we'd get access to new updated stuff, so technically this is some weird amalgamation of like 12 different seeds :)!

There's lots of stuff to see if you're into exploring! We built a bunch outside of what's actually seen on the panorama! Feel free to wander to your hearts content!

Support Minecraft: Askew on Ko-Fi!
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