Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Monastery church of st.wilm the light

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Level 45 : Master Fisherman
well. wow. i have not been on here in a while. not because i stopped building, oh no. mainly due to school and other events which just got in the way of posting. so yeah heres a new-ish build i made maybe a month ago. and i decided to really try hard this time...
i did all the math, made the angles and the proportions just right, and even used it as a project in an art history class.

after the fall of the monastery at the ravenmoor hills due to the corruption of the grey priest. the monks of rolandrel monastery fled to a new land. with lush plains and places to grow food. there they made a home of such unrivaled beauty, that according to legend, made a barbarian king convert as soon as he stepped foot inside its hall.

so yeah, enjoy it everyone. also thanks to by pal eroron for installing some of the stained glass windows. and most of the floors.
(i hate building floors)
Progress100% complete

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07/10/2014 10:10 am
Level 24 : Expert Architect
Great job Bloorajah!
07/09/2014 12:48 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Awesome work!
07/09/2014 8:41 am
Level 46 : Master Artist
I love the concept, here's a diamond.  Try using some fancy terrain with builds like this, and build them to the terrain.  I have some free to download terrain on my PMC if you want to use any, just leave me credit if you do.  With that said, I hope you have an amazing day =D, and happy building.
07/09/2014 12:47 pm
Level 45 : Master Fisherman
yeah i usually add scenery, i just didnt really feel like doing it this time heh.
maybe ill use some of yours for a future build
