Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Mushroom Lands PvP Arena [1.16.1] + schematic

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Level 45 : Master Fox
Another arena made for UhcCore! I actually made this one before the Amphitheatre Arena, but since it never found any use I decided just to upload it here.

- 12 lapis lazuli scattered around on the edges of the map, meant for teams/players to spawn on
- Center is a hill with a giant mushroom that players can take shelter in
- Cave leading to the foot of the center hill, enabling players to catch teams in the mushroom by surprise
- 3 easter egg buttons with shroomy messages (can you find them all?)

Radius of 95 blocks
CreditShaders used in pictures: https://sildurs-shaders.github.io/
Progress100% complete

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07/16/2020 10:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hello! I recently made a new server and was wondering if i could use this world download for my server, i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! (definitely a 5 star)
07/17/2020 5:18 am
Level 45 : Master Fox
Yes, as long as you don't claim it as your own work ofc :D
07/15/2020 6:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hello~I think it deserves 5 stars!!!!I'm a Chinese server owner using your Mod.Could you please allow me to translate your Mod and advertise it to MCBBS?MCBBS is the largest Minecraft forum in China.I'll let more people know it.I'll mark you as the author.I'll NEVER claim it as mine, I just wanna translate it and let more people know it.I'll send you a link after I finish the post.Hope for your reply!(It ’s because your download map is downloaded from foreign. I ’m Chinese. We want to use VPN to download maps. I think it is easier. So, can you get your map download to our domestic network disk? ——YOURS,TONK
07/15/2020 12:04 pm
Level 45 : Master Fox
Hi! I'm glad you like my build. It's alright if you post my build to MCBB, as long as you do not claim it as yours, of course :)
