Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

New World Trade Center

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EmperorBOSS's Avatar EmperorBOSS
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
DISCLAIMER: I built this series of buildings as a tribute to 9/11 victims, families and survivors. Please do NOT disrespect this project or post any hateful comments. Any suspicious and/or rude comments will be deleted and the account will be reported immediately.

Hello everybody,
I'm sure you guys remember my Original World Trade Center Project. As you guys probably noticed, the scale was a bit off. So, I present to you the New World Trade Center, at a 1:2 scale! I decided to build this project at a 1:2 scale so it looks realistic yet is contained within the height limit.

More than 14 years ago, an unexpected disaster occurred on a gorgeous September morning. It was so crisp and clear; there just was no way. That is, that it was an accident. A presumed accident. A plane had reportedly crashed into one of the two World Trade Center towers in New York City. Flabbergasted and perplexed, citizens of Lower Manhattan captured the gaping hole. That's why so many were able to capture the second plane hitting the Southern Twin Tower, then realizing this was a premeditated attack. A tragedy turned into a calamity into a catastrophe as the Pentagon was hit, a plane crashed in Pennsylvania, and the Twin Towers collapsed. 2,983 people died.

This is my memorial to victims, families, and survivors of 9/11 in or near Manhattan's World Trade Center, the Pentagon in Washington, DC, Shanksville, PA, or one of the four hijacked planes.

This map includes all of the planned and confirmed features of the New World Trade Center compound, including:
1 World Trade Center (the triangularly chamfered building)
2 World Trade Center (the stepped, stair-like building)
3 World Trade Center (the triple-prism, boxy building)
4 World Trade Center (the halfway-sliced building)
9/11 Memorial (Twin Pools at the footprints of the Twin Towers)
9/11 Museum (Museum containing artifacts from the WTC)

VIDEO: I will make a video soon, just be patient.


SCREENSHOTS: Thank you to lordsina for the screenshots!


RIP to all 2,983 people who died in the tragedy of September 11, 2001.

Never forget!

Progress100% complete

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09/14/2018 9:35 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
fred375's Avatar
It's really good! Check out my project please! I've built 1WTC in 1:1. What do you think?
Commodore James
07/22/2018 4:51 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
Commodore James's Avatar
I should tell you, since World Trade Center 3 was released not too long ago, I was wondering if an update would come really soon.
08/02/2018 12:30 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
EmperorBOSS's Avatar
In all honesty, I kinda find my current model of the New WTC to be obsolete. I may try to start from scratch, but to be honest, I’m quite busy these days......and off to college in less than a month. I’ll see what I can do though—I don’t like letting people down...
Commodore James
08/17/2018 2:05 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
Commodore James's Avatar
I actually made a mistake in my comment before, I should've told you I'm no rush-a-person guy which is highly immature. All I can say is, take your time, and of course, good luck in college good gentleman.
09/16/2018 4:40 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
EmperorBOSS's Avatar
Thanks dude, college is eating me alive right now so yeah.
03/09/2018 10:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BlazeSlayer543's Avatar
So the Perelman Arts Center has resumed construction, are you gonna build it?
09/17/2017 5:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BlazeSlayer543's Avatar
Can you add 5 and 7 WTC? I'm looking for a complete complex with the updated 2 WTC design.
09/17/2017 3:59 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
EmperorBOSS's Avatar
7 WTC is already there; I chose not to add 5 WTC because it most likely won't be built due to the expansion of Liberty Park.
05/04/2017 12:07 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Wow really nice :)
05/04/2017 10:35 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
EmperorBOSS's Avatar
Thank you!
