Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Nyarlathotep's Pyramid

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Level 37 : Artisan Birb
"The Crawling Chaos, The Black Pharaoh, The Faceless God, spawn of Azathoth: the Pyramid of Nyarlathotep stands amid the searing desert. Contrary to most burial pyramids, Nyarlathotep's pyramid is not a tomb but rather, a focal point of dark magic, harnessing and storing the natural energies. Known for his deceptive and sinister ways, the fate of the world hangs in balance as Nyarlathotep amasses his power..."


As a fan of H. P. Lovecraft's works, I could not resist creating a pyramid in honour of Nyarlathotep, one of my favourite amongst the Cthulhu mythos. I was going for a magical, slightly dark theme in this build, with focus on the aesthetic depth that really makes builds in Minecraft pop.

Complete with plenty of passageways, tunnels, dark nooks and crannies to explore, this build was the most fun I've had in Minecraft in a while. I do hope you enjoy exploring it as much as I did building it. (Extra props to those that find the secret dungeon with the ball of gold while in Survival Mode!)

Side notes

Following the lore; lightning strikes the conductive gold tip of the pyramid at random intervals. This slowly charges Nyarlathotep's power: https://i.imgur.com/1n0qiJl.gifv

The resource pack used in the first screenshot is Crystal Galaxy: http://minecraftsix.com/crystal-galaxy-resource-pack/

The resource pack used in the remainder of the screenshots is Better Vanilla: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/better-vanilla-16x/files

The shader used in the three final screenshots is SEUS: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1280299-sonic-ethers-unbelievable-shaders-compatible-with

World version: 1.12.2

Progress100% complete

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