Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Oak Ridge - Mediterranean Style Mansion (With Interior)

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Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
This is my first mansion, so it's kind of generic, but I still love it. This two-story mansion features a two-car garage, a detached four-car garage, guest house, tennis court, pool, outdoor kitchen and gazebo, creek, and a statue in the front. The interior has 6 bedrooms, including the master bedroom, TV room and living room, kitchen and dining room, billiards room, and a small library. There will also be a basement, but that is still a work in progress.

Also, the horse statue is not my original design, the design came from Thom's Mini Statue Bundle, just so you know, because proper credit is important.

CreditI used the horse statue from Thom's Mini Statue Bundle in the front.Link in the description above.
Progress75% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by LightlySaltedBuilder 05/30/2019 10:12:31 pmMay 30th, 2019

Landscaping and terrain is now 100% complete, basement is also nearly complete, but since I haven't worked on this project in months I'm just going to upload what there is of it.

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06/15/2019 5:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Very nice build!
06/28/2018 7:43 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
What texture pack did you use???
06/29/2018 4:56 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
It's a customized version of FlowsHD, I replaced some of the textures with ones from other packs. The texture pack might load with the world. You can make a pack load with the world without requiring that the person download the pack, but I'm not sure if I did that for this world.

If you'd like it, I can make a mediafire download for it.
06/26/2018 7:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you give me the schematica or world download, i love the mansion! and id like to rebuild it as a base for a vanilla minecraft server
