Minecraft Maps / Other

Old Mansion Project

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Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
A long long time ago I decided to try and build a mansion. Back then I thought it was pretty ok until I saw it again and thought "Man, this sucks."
So now I am relying on yall to take this old half-completed mansion and turn it into a work of art.
Once you are finished fixing this half-done disaster message me and send me the map so I can see how it's done.

I'm relying on you!

p.s: this build was based on a thumbnail for an actual mansion
Progress100% complete

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12/01/2024 2:58 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Also, I'm doing a Villager Skins Competition for some Minecoins so if yall want to participate then here's more information:
competition link here
