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N0tGlitchyTech's Avatar N0tGlitchyTech
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer

Important And Must-do (if you wanna install)

I know some of you are in bedrock but redstone on bedrock i do not know how to do it and here is the needed mods (dynamic surroundings you gotta install and build it your self or it wont work One Life Minecraft MapOne Life Minecraft MapOne Life Minecraft Map

Mods Here:


Most Importantly A Video you NEED to watch if you do not watch it then the map will not work as you wanted it:


Also Last Thing it will get harder as you progress as there are loads of enemys and a netherite zombie

Survive it and also its 50% done bc the last escape chance was a hoax and you was meant to get you to the last 5 stages it will take long... use 1.18.2

Creditme alone :(
Progress50% complete

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06/25/2022 12:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
N0tGlitchyTech's Avatar
Also the netherite zombie spawn command is:

/summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~ ~ {Brain: {memories: {}}, HurtByTimestamp: 0, Attributes: [{Base: 30.0d, Name: "minecraft:generic.attack_damage"}, {Base: 0.3d, Name: "minecraft:generic.movement_speed"}, {Base: 2.0d, Name: "minecraft:generic.armor"}, {Base: 1.0d, Name: "minecraft:generic.knockback_resistance"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "minecraft:generic.armor_toughness"}], Invulnerable: 0b, FallFlying: 0b, PortalCooldown: 0, AbsorptionAmount: 0.0f, InWaterTime: -1, FallDistance: 0.0f, DeathTime: 0s, HandDropChances: [100.0f, 100.0f], PersistenceRequired: 0b, Motion: [0.0d, -0.0784000015258789d, 0.0d], Health: 20.0f, LeftHanded: 0b, Air: 300s, OnGround: 1b, Rotation: [134.80753f, 0.0f], HandItems: [{id: "minecraft:netherite_sword", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0, Enchantments: [{lvl: 10s, id: "minecraft:sharpness"}, {lvl: 32767s, id: "minecraft:unbreaking"}, {lvl: 3, id: "mending"}, {lvl: 32767, id: "sweeping_edge"}]}}, {id: "minecraft:netherite_block", Count: 64b}], ArmorDropChances: [100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f], CanBreakDoors: 1b, Fire: -1s, ArmorItems: [{id: "minecraft:netherite_boots", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0, Enchantments: [{lvl: 32767, id: "protection"}, {lvl: 3, id: "depth_strider"}, {lvl: 3, id: "aqua_affinity"}, {lvl: 32767, id: "unbreaking"}, {lvl: 100, id: "feather_falling"}, {lvl: 32767, id: "mending"}, {lvl: 32767, id: "fire_protection"}, {lvl: 10, id: "soul_speed"}]}}, {id: "minecraft:netherite_leggings", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0, Enchantments: [{lvl: 32767s, id: "minecraft:protection"}, {lvl: 32767, id: "blast_protection"}, {lvl: 32767, id: "unbreaking"}, {lvl: 3, id: "mending"}]}}, {id: "minecraft:netherite_chestplate", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0, Enchantments: [{lvl: 5, id: "thorns"}, {lvl: 32767, id: "unbreaking"}, {lvl: 3, id: "mending"}]}}, {id: "minecraft:netherite_helmet", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 4, Enchantments: [{lvl: 32767, id: "protection"}, {lvl: 32767, id: "unbreaking"}, {lvl: 32767, id: "mending"}, {lvl: 32767, id: "respiration"}]}}], CanPickUpLoot: 1b, HurtTime: 0s, DrownedConversionTime: -1}
06/25/2022 11:45 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
N0tGlitchyTech's Avatar
Any Problems Reply Here Enjoy and dont die

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