Published Mar 7th, 2020, 3/7/20 4:08 am
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- [Æonis] - A Minecraft Building Server1.21.4 Creative Server11.5k 38x 9
Aeonis 3/7/20 1:04 • posted 7/1/17 6:25
This project belongs to our main project, the Empire of Castaire.
Today we present to you our latest addition to the miraculous world of Æonis. Over the past months, we worked together with Team Top Notch, led by awesome DinowCookie, to bring to you an awesome collaborative product. Top Notch created a wonderful pack of 16 skins inspired by the dresscode of the late 18th century, spanning over several social classes and thus marking a perfect spot to look for an interesting character! While the fashionable aspects were covered by Top Notch, we created a vivid environment for you to play in! Look at the marvelous mansion, visit the monogigantic monastery or just wander through the woodcutter village or it's many green areas!
We are furthermore hosting this map on our server for everyone who wants to visit and get an extra insight of what we are doing. You can join the server with the IP We are looking forward to your visit and now, without further procrastination: Vive l'Empire!
![[Æonis] - Baroque Collaboration with Team Top Notch Minecraft Map](
The area is located in the dense forest of Caliers which is known for its remarkable nature, rich history and the woods with their long lifespan and durability when it comes to craftsmanship. This particular space is the home to the local count Jérôme II de Borrevais, the monastery of Harahel and the small village of Saceau, mainly consisting of woodcutters and forestmen.
Historically the monastery was the first building in this space but started just with a little chapel facing the square around the fountain. It was one of the places for Cadriel to visit and he sacrified the water within the fountain to heal the sick and to strengthen the plants and trees. Since then the thick and lively forest we know today could grow in this area. To embrace the pilgrims and to prevent stealing the water by the wrong people, the holy council ordered to construct a chapel next to the fountain and a small house for the priest and his helpers. As strange as it may seem, the chapel was not created to worship Fleuviel, the water angel, but for the angel of the earth, Harahel.
Although it was the water to get sacrified, it was more about the fertility of the earth and its healing powers. Many pilgrims visited with the intention to baptise their sickly children so they would grow strong or to get healed themselves.
After just a few decades the flow of pilgrims grew so massive, that the facilities needed extension too and so the Holy Order of Saint Anselme was formed and a first monastery was built with bordering crop field to sustain the nuns and monks.
This proto-monastery complex was way smaller than the one of today. Starting with the 6th century some pilgrims and farmers started to settle next to the monastery at the other side of the river close by. They started to trade and many villagers were cutting the trees the monastery needed to fuel their ovens and even worked on the fields of the church to give them more time for the divine services and guarantee the village the food it needed. Later this village became Saceau, originated from Sacre Eau (Holy Water) related to the fountain at the monastery. This deal worked so well, that the monks could, together with donations of the pilgrims, effort an even bigger building for the monks and a greater cathedral for the pilgrims which were completed around 1049 aC.
Just 200 years later a young monk with the name Calistaire saw the potential in the wood of this particular forest beyond heating up the halls. Many monks and nuns were already good at craftsmanship as almost all furniture and playfully carved wooden ceilings were made by them. Calistaire wanted to use this talent to bring wealth to the order. He managed to convince the elders in building a hut for melting the ingredients for brass, zinc and copper, and a place for the monks to carve wood.
He wanted them to work on clocks with building the wooden corpus as well as the fine gears inside them. Therefore he left the monastery for over 4 years for visiting a brotherhood order of Hallerbeck in the south of Reikenland to learn about the fine art of clockwork smithery. With his return the construction began and he gave his gained knowledge to the others.
His idea became a success story. The already experienced artisans of the monastery quickly learned the techniques of fine smithing and perfectioned it over time. Many clocks were sold to the aristocratie and the counts, dukes and even the kings in most of western Esradon. Even the Sacrecouronne family bought one of the early clocks from them and regarding to its fine quality every new clock for the family was forged in Saint Anselme.
Even the much bigger clockworks of some town halls and cathedrals were made by them. So even within the lifespan of Calistaire the monastery could afford a rebuild of the whole complex in a gothic style, although he did not saw the final state of the cathedral. The last thing left from this gothic construction are the walls surrounding the cemetery and the fields as well as the main living quartiers of the inhabitants which is still bedded in the whole complex of today.
As nowadays the attic was for the storage of the grain and other food for the winter. Under it, where the floor lies on the outside, are the quartiers for the novices, back at the time even with an outside staircase. This were the least comfortable rooms which had to be shared under 6 people and two rooms for each bath. The second floor is for the more experienced brothers and sisters who already earned some reputation and a higher place in the micro society. From here on men and women are separated and just 4 people per room. The first floor is reserved for the elders and most important members of the order. The base vault is reserved for the stockings of raw materials such as coal, copper and zinc and is linked with a slide for a quick access via carrier.
In 1582 the local count decided to move his residence near to the monastery in order to get a better access to the fountain to help his sickened son and to tax the crossing merchants. He linked his resedence castle with a strait road to the monastery and created huge gardens in front of his sleep quartiers.
Around 1667 the baroque components were added and the cathedral was rebuild.
The main structure was kept but got changed in some parts to fit to the new theme. The outdoor staircase for the main quartiers was replaced by a indoor one and the old lift became an upgrade in form of a wooden frame to prevent the load to swing out too much when it’s windy. The new wing now helds rooms for conventions of the elders, a huge community dining room with kitchen, space for retreat and the room for the high priest. The old medieval ovens got replaced by the highest standard high ovens which increased the quality as well as the quantity of brass output. At the sides of it are now the craftsmen hall for the wood carvers and the end montage is at the other side.
Just after the rebuild of the cathedral the count Maximilien III de Borrevais used the remaining workforce to extend his residence. He even ordered a clockwork from to monks and nuns of Saint Anselme to get featured in his new build in tower.
Today the monastery of Harahel in the Caliers forest is still an important place for pilgrims to visit and part of the sacred Rue de Castaire, the pilgrim march of many believers.
![[Æonis] - Baroque Collaboration with Team Top Notch Minecraft Map](
Main Architects: BelleSophie, Flo0498, Paulzero & Stevecurious (ordered NOT in the order of their contribution xD)
Today we present to you our latest addition to the miraculous world of Æonis. Over the past months, we worked together with Team Top Notch, led by awesome DinowCookie, to bring to you an awesome collaborative product. Top Notch created a wonderful pack of 16 skins inspired by the dresscode of the late 18th century, spanning over several social classes and thus marking a perfect spot to look for an interesting character! While the fashionable aspects were covered by Top Notch, we created a vivid environment for you to play in! Look at the marvelous mansion, visit the monogigantic monastery or just wander through the woodcutter village or it's many green areas!
We are furthermore hosting this map on our server for everyone who wants to visit and get an extra insight of what we are doing. You can join the server with the IP We are looking forward to your visit and now, without further procrastination: Vive l'Empire!
![[Æonis] - Baroque Collaboration with Team Top Notch Minecraft Map](
The area is located in the dense forest of Caliers which is known for its remarkable nature, rich history and the woods with their long lifespan and durability when it comes to craftsmanship. This particular space is the home to the local count Jérôme II de Borrevais, the monastery of Harahel and the small village of Saceau, mainly consisting of woodcutters and forestmen.
Historically the monastery was the first building in this space but started just with a little chapel facing the square around the fountain. It was one of the places for Cadriel to visit and he sacrified the water within the fountain to heal the sick and to strengthen the plants and trees. Since then the thick and lively forest we know today could grow in this area. To embrace the pilgrims and to prevent stealing the water by the wrong people, the holy council ordered to construct a chapel next to the fountain and a small house for the priest and his helpers. As strange as it may seem, the chapel was not created to worship Fleuviel, the water angel, but for the angel of the earth, Harahel.
Although it was the water to get sacrified, it was more about the fertility of the earth and its healing powers. Many pilgrims visited with the intention to baptise their sickly children so they would grow strong or to get healed themselves.
After just a few decades the flow of pilgrims grew so massive, that the facilities needed extension too and so the Holy Order of Saint Anselme was formed and a first monastery was built with bordering crop field to sustain the nuns and monks.
This proto-monastery complex was way smaller than the one of today. Starting with the 6th century some pilgrims and farmers started to settle next to the monastery at the other side of the river close by. They started to trade and many villagers were cutting the trees the monastery needed to fuel their ovens and even worked on the fields of the church to give them more time for the divine services and guarantee the village the food it needed. Later this village became Saceau, originated from Sacre Eau (Holy Water) related to the fountain at the monastery. This deal worked so well, that the monks could, together with donations of the pilgrims, effort an even bigger building for the monks and a greater cathedral for the pilgrims which were completed around 1049 aC.
Just 200 years later a young monk with the name Calistaire saw the potential in the wood of this particular forest beyond heating up the halls. Many monks and nuns were already good at craftsmanship as almost all furniture and playfully carved wooden ceilings were made by them. Calistaire wanted to use this talent to bring wealth to the order. He managed to convince the elders in building a hut for melting the ingredients for brass, zinc and copper, and a place for the monks to carve wood.
He wanted them to work on clocks with building the wooden corpus as well as the fine gears inside them. Therefore he left the monastery for over 4 years for visiting a brotherhood order of Hallerbeck in the south of Reikenland to learn about the fine art of clockwork smithery. With his return the construction began and he gave his gained knowledge to the others.
His idea became a success story. The already experienced artisans of the monastery quickly learned the techniques of fine smithing and perfectioned it over time. Many clocks were sold to the aristocratie and the counts, dukes and even the kings in most of western Esradon. Even the Sacrecouronne family bought one of the early clocks from them and regarding to its fine quality every new clock for the family was forged in Saint Anselme.
Even the much bigger clockworks of some town halls and cathedrals were made by them. So even within the lifespan of Calistaire the monastery could afford a rebuild of the whole complex in a gothic style, although he did not saw the final state of the cathedral. The last thing left from this gothic construction are the walls surrounding the cemetery and the fields as well as the main living quartiers of the inhabitants which is still bedded in the whole complex of today.
As nowadays the attic was for the storage of the grain and other food for the winter. Under it, where the floor lies on the outside, are the quartiers for the novices, back at the time even with an outside staircase. This were the least comfortable rooms which had to be shared under 6 people and two rooms for each bath. The second floor is for the more experienced brothers and sisters who already earned some reputation and a higher place in the micro society. From here on men and women are separated and just 4 people per room. The first floor is reserved for the elders and most important members of the order. The base vault is reserved for the stockings of raw materials such as coal, copper and zinc and is linked with a slide for a quick access via carrier.
In 1582 the local count decided to move his residence near to the monastery in order to get a better access to the fountain to help his sickened son and to tax the crossing merchants. He linked his resedence castle with a strait road to the monastery and created huge gardens in front of his sleep quartiers.
Around 1667 the baroque components were added and the cathedral was rebuild.
The main structure was kept but got changed in some parts to fit to the new theme. The outdoor staircase for the main quartiers was replaced by a indoor one and the old lift became an upgrade in form of a wooden frame to prevent the load to swing out too much when it’s windy. The new wing now helds rooms for conventions of the elders, a huge community dining room with kitchen, space for retreat and the room for the high priest. The old medieval ovens got replaced by the highest standard high ovens which increased the quality as well as the quantity of brass output. At the sides of it are now the craftsmen hall for the wood carvers and the end montage is at the other side.
Just after the rebuild of the cathedral the count Maximilien III de Borrevais used the remaining workforce to extend his residence. He even ordered a clockwork from to monks and nuns of Saint Anselme to get featured in his new build in tower.
Today the monastery of Harahel in the Caliers forest is still an important place for pilgrims to visit and part of the sacred Rue de Castaire, the pilgrim march of many believers.
![[Æonis] - Baroque Collaboration with Team Top Notch Minecraft Map](
Main Architects: BelleSophie, Flo0498, Paulzero & Stevecurious (ordered NOT in the order of their contribution xD)
Progress | 100% complete |
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