Minecraft Maps / Complex

[Æonis] - Hôpital Saint-Louise

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How to find on server: /warp townhall, turn to the right and move down the street a bit

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Level 66 : High Grandmaster Architect
This project belongs to our main project, the Æoniverse.

Æonis proudly presents another magnificent building in our capital Lucrécy. We wish best entertainment and would be very glad to receive tons of feedback!
[Æonis] - Église de Fleuviel Minecraft Map
The Hôpital Saint-Louise in central Lucrecy is the largest medical facility in the city. It was named after its benefactress and patroness Louise von Prussien, Impératrice de Castaire as the wife of Nathanaël II.

While visiting her in the springtime of 1709, her younger brother Adalbert-Friedhelm contracted an unknown disease, which was soon called fiever paralysis or mort tranquille (motionless death), as it is called by the peasants. His skin turned red and slowly but surely his body became paralysed and he was unable to return to Prussien.

In fear of the life of her beloved brother and anticipating an outbreak of this disease in the empire, she isolated him in the western wing of Chateau Millacs and sent messengers out into the country and beyond to find the best physicians to cure his illness.

Her search turned out to be successful as several experts in various medical fields came to Millacs and helped her brother to recover. After some weeks Adalbert was no longer ill, but still had some stiffness in his body parts which would take a few more years to return to their past agility.

By that time a major outbreak of the disease was about to happen in Lucrécy and its surroundings as well as the regions bordering Prussien. The city’s physicians warned her about possible casualties and asked for financial support. With the fate of her brother and him almost dying, she ordered the construction of a central hospital to care for all inhabitants of the capital. Also, smaller hospitals were erected in every major city. She sent some of her medical experts to the most threatened regions.

With Martin Verneuf she found a very experienced physician and gave him oversight of the construction of the new medical facility. After its completion in 1715 he became the chief doctor.

Since then, the outbreaks of severe diseases could be limited and the overall health of many citizens improved at least a little bit.

Shortly after the handling of the fiever paralysis epidemic, her husband Nathanaël II wanted to cut the foundings of the subsidized medical treatment for common people every once in a while. It was less about the finances then about class issues and distrust in new medical approaches. But she always averted such budget cuts and instead promoted medical research.

For her financial support and her trust set even in revolutionary new medical methods, Louise is venerated as patron of the medical science. Since her death in 1752, she is the official namesake of the hospital, even if the people called it like that for decades.

[Æonis] - Église de Fleuviel Minecraft Map

The architectural style of the building would be described as baroque but in a rather less splendid execution due to the fact that it is more or less public building.

The layout of the hospital consists of four rectangular wings connected with a vivid shape which creates two different visual axes.

The central entrance is located at the inwards curved main façade, confined by two small towers at each side. From the rearside patio, the building shows a double curved facade which, combined with the terrace leves, creates a very unique shape. The small greenspace in front of it is enclosed by a two story arcade and grants space for the patients to rest on one of the many benches.

The four wings are symmetrical to each other. The step-backs at the third floor are made to create more space for terraces and to allow as much light as possible to enter the building. On each wing side lies an additional side entrances for the citizens to enter the building.

[Æonis] - Hôpital Saint-Louise Minecraft Map
Main Architects: Stevecurious & Flo0498
Progress100% complete

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05/30/2021 12:24 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
I wanna be treated in this hospital !
05/31/2021 2:20 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Architect
Haha, not sure if the doctors are as competent as the building looks good :D
05/26/2021 10:10 pm
Level 29 : Expert Toast
holy this is amazing
05/24/2021 9:53 pm
Level 24 : Expert Warrior
Damn this looks amazing
05/25/2021 2:42 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thank you! :D
