Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Original Legend of Zelda Map

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Ecthelion143's Avatar Ecthelion143
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
This is a recreation of the original Legend of Zelda map. The overworld is done in a 3:1 scale and the dungeons are a 2:1 scale. It is 100% vanilla Minecraft, though I did use MCEdit to change the biome in a few places. Just south of the starting point is an area that shows the overworld map as well as maps of all the dungeons. I hope you enjoy visiting Hyrule in a 3-D perspective!
Progress100% complete

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12/05/2022 3:43 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
witherwraith's Avatar
This is awesome, although there are some problems.

1. All the shops that require the bombs or candle are not in the game

2. There is only one potion shop and one money game.

3. Some of the items in the dungeons are just book with quills.

I hope you can improve it and it really is a great map.
01/12/2023 9:04 am
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
Ecthelion143's Avatar
Thanks for the feedback! From the start I felt like I could either add all the hidden entrances or none of them (and there's a LOT). Ultimately I decided to just incorporate the exposed entrances and not do the hidden ones except for dungeons 7, 8, and 9, of course.

Most of the dungeon items I was able to get into the map, like the Bow, Raft, and Ladder. But some like the Magic Key and Red Ring I just put a book stating the item name as a place holder. I built this map on version 1.17.1 so there might be different or better items to go into the dungeon chests now.
08/07/2021 6:45 pm
Level 24 : Expert Warrior
Idelac's Avatar
This looks awesome! Are you planning on turning it into a functional adventure map?
08/08/2021 6:17 am
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
Ecthelion143's Avatar
Not at this time, no. But if any adventure map makers want to use this map as a base to start from, I'm good with that. Just credit my work, please.
The Diamond Distributor
08/07/2021 12:05 am
Level 24 : Expert Procrastinator
The Diamond Distributor's Avatar
Does it work?
08/07/2021 8:16 am
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
Ecthelion143's Avatar
It works as intended. It's not an adventure map, but I added some features like shop keepers and clue givers to make it feel less empty.
