Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Oscorp Industries (ASM 2012) BETTER VERSION!!!

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KingAlexander's Avatar KingAlexander
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
The Oscorp Industries Tower with an Interior

The exterior of the building was NOT CREATED BY ME!

I hope you like it.

Any comments, or suggestions are highly appreciated!

To get the best results, please use this resource pack.
CreditSuperCharged, SeeingDubble97
Progress45% complete

3 Update Logs

Update 8/5/18 : by KingAlexander 08/05/2018 3:33:29 pmAug 5th, 2018

What's new in version 8/5/18

1: I have completed the fifth floor, it is a library for research and stuff like that. It also is a wood source for those who play in survival.

2: The hologram display in the laboratory has been improved, it can now give players the regeneration effect so you get a more realistic setup. it also functions as an end portal as well.

3: New download link has been updated, it should contain these upgrades.

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