Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Palace of Versailles

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Level 28 : Expert Architect
A somewhat recent build of mine meant to be an in-game recreation of the Palace of Versailles. Since this is my first post on this website, I must clarify that almost the entire build is unfinished and I don't have any plans on finishing it, I just really felt like getting an initial reaction from the community, especially since I've never been too public about my builds. I hope it doesn't look too bad and if it doesn't then, well, enjoy.
Progress5% complete

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09/20/2019 4:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Do you think that you will ever release a world download for this? That would be awesome since I'm trying to replicate this in my survival world.
12/04/2019 3:02 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Ok wow sorry for the super late response but I'm not sure. Recently I've been thinking about coming back to the project and completing it which would obviously take quite some time and most likely include a world download. But yet again, I'm not 100% sure if I'll come back since I'm working on other stuff rn.
