Minecraft Maps / Other

pickaxe that can mine 3x3

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Level 20 : Expert Miner
I just maked a pickaxe that can mine 3x3(Need to stay close to block that u want to break)

first you need to create scoreboard

/scoreboard objectives add mines minecraft.used:minecraft.diamond_pickaxe

then create a mcfunction file

execute at @a[scores={mines=1..1000000}] run execute at @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:diamond_pickaxe",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Lore:"3x3"]}}}}] run fill ~-1 ~ ~-1 ~1 ~2 ~1 air destroy
execute at @a[scores={mines=1..10}] run scoreboard players set @a[scores={mines=1..100000}] mines 0

Lore : it`s to make only special pickaxe avalible to mine 3x3

then give an a pickaxe with lore that u type on execute command

/give @p minecraft:diamond_pickaxe{display:{Lore:["3x3"]}} 1

and place a commnad_block near world spawn, or chunk that would be loadded all the time, and type on it

/function :your path to function:

That pickaxe is avalible on my server <3

Progress95% complete

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