Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Portland Art Museum | PortlandMC

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Level 28 : Expert Architect
Hello everyone, today I have a replica of the Portland Art Museum, which is from PortlandMC, The7thOne and I's project to recreate Portland, Oregon, in Minecraft. I hope you enjoy, as this is one of my favorite builds in the city.

Background Information
The Portland Art Museum, which occupies two blocks between 9th and 10th Avenues, as well as Jefferson Street and Main Street, in Central Portland. The building is located along the South Park blocks, and is an integral part of the Cultural district. The museum was founded in 1892, and is the oldest art museum on the West Coast. The current building was opened in 1932 and was designed by noted Portland architect Pietro Belluschi, with an expansion added 6 years later. in 1994, the museum purchased the former Masonic Temple building to the north, and embarked on an ambitious refurbishment of the entire museum.

PortlandMC Information
Map download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/trhe7b8r1idauim/06Jan2018_PortlandMC.zip
Server IP (Not 24/7): portlandmc.ddns.net
Dynmap IP (Not 24/7): portlandmc.ddns.net:8123
The7thOne: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/the7thone/
PortlandMC PMC post: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/portlandmc---replica-of-the-rose-city-the-realizers/
PortlandMC subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PortlandMC/
Our discord: [url=discord.gg/aRkn3HT ]discord.gg/aRkn3HT
Progress100% complete

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