Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Project 83 Heavy Cruiser Stalingrad

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Level 49 : Master Lego Builder
Heavy Cruiser Stalingrad (Project 83)

Camo version: can be purchased in the military builders shop soon, with all money going into funding the military builders server.

SCHEMATIC FILE WITH WATER CAN BE DOWNLOADED HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/usfl3c4wc37cyhv/Stalingradwater.schematic?dl=0

Never completed, Hull used as target practice. (all detailing based on 2 blueprints I could find, and the version in World of Warships)

Armament: 9 x 300mm main battery

Size: 1:1, 56m high 269m long and 32m wide

Built in : 1.10.2

Schematic: yes

Interior: No, some deck levels started in bridge section. Most doors have buttons already...

This is my most detailed build up to date and the peak of how well I can currently build...

If you like it, leave a diamond... It's free :D

you are free to use my designs, but if used on a public world please mention that it is not yours :)

Thanks to VoxelBlox for the renders!
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by GreenDevil97 08/26/2018 2:12:54 pmAug 26th, 2018

Nearly complete remake: 90% of the ship was remade, including:
- a brand new hull
- updated secondaries, AA guns
- improved superstructure
- couple hundred detail improvements and STALINGRAD banner sign at the aft
- updated shceamtic and water schematic download
- Brand new renders thanks to VoxelBlox!

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08/26/2018 4:37 pm
Level 49 : Master Lego Builder
Is there demand for a camo scheme? (would take some time, university just started >.<)
03/31/2018 4:38 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Narwhal
amazing work, keep building because you already have a sub
03/31/2018 6:30 pm
Level 49 : Master Lego Builder
I don't intend to stop :D
