Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Queen Lanner's Revenge Pirate Sloop Airship For Movecraft

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Engineer
This ship flies using the Movecraft plugin. All the weapons work even without the plugin with the exception of torpedos.  

This is one of a series of pirate sloops submitted by players and viewers for the Airship Pirates: Origins series. In the attached video this is one of the ships that attacks the Royal Navy Corvette in the beginning. They are intentionally limited in thier power and armament, to fit in with the setting. These were ships that were slapped together by pirates with limited resources and technological ability. 

Description by the creator, Axelgamer4: 

...it has 1 forward shooting gun and 2 3long torps so more of the assaultcraft type
Progress100% complete

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Maxzinus the Dragon
12/23/2015 11:23 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
its a sharky! XD
