Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Realistic 7-Eleven Convienience Store - MuC

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Level 69 : High Grandmaster Unicorn
Well, to give a basic idea, I was actually trying out something new in my RTM addon pack with the signs, and well, it lead to actually doing this. Sadly, though, couldn't get the font quite right as the actual font that I had to do the Eleven Correctly didn't load up in the main program that I had that I use to create the models.

7-Eleven Basic Description:

7-Eleven is an American-Japanese international chain of convenience stores, headquartered in Irving, Texas, that operates, franchises, and licenses some 56,600 stores in 18 countries. The chain was known as Tote'm Stores until renamed in 1946. Its parent company, Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd., is located in Chiyoda, Tokyo. Seven-Eleven Japan is held by the Seven & I Holdings Co.

Mods used in this build:
RealTrainMod (with Saracalia's Pack and test builds of my pack too)
FRSM (Unseen)
Mr Crayfish Furniture Mod
Progress100% complete

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