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- 416 downloads, 0 today
This is a Christmas/winter version of this map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/realistic-house-6105496/ This is a very realistic house, with mods, especially decocraft, chisel & bits, flat colored blocks, fairy lights, colored lights, chromatic foliage, blockcraftery and joshua's christmas mod. The house was built by someone else, but I edited it with these mods and I also added a huge forest, a supermarket and a small dungeon. This map is for 1.12.2.
You need some mods: decocraft, chisel & bits, fairy lights, flat colored blocks, colored lights, chromatic foliage, blockcraftery and joshua's christmas mod, etc. You can download all mods (and other mods like world edit, nei, jei, etc) from here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6cyxfz7ks72uu2auluazk/mods.zip?rlkey=t4boi79qbmr87mt0ec6qaltvb&dl=0
Video of this house here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezOqqZTmCVU
Coming soon:
- An Easter/Spring version of this map.
You need some mods: decocraft, chisel & bits, fairy lights, flat colored blocks, colored lights, chromatic foliage, blockcraftery and joshua's christmas mod, etc. You can download all mods (and other mods like world edit, nei, jei, etc) from here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6cyxfz7ks72uu2auluazk/mods.zip?rlkey=t4boi79qbmr87mt0ec6qaltvb&dl=0
Video of this house here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezOqqZTmCVU
Coming soon:
- An Easter/Spring version of this map.
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2 Update Logs
Update #2 : by Creeper23 11/21/2023 1:18:28 pmNov 21st, 2023
I added more Christmas decorations.
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