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Level 40 : Master System
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RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic in 1912 after striking an iceberg
during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City.


This is a 1:1,9 version of the RMS Titanic. All Decks are fully filled
& equipped. I built the ship as close as possible to the deck plans as i could.

The deck plans i used are available at:  https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/
My resourcepack is included in this Download.


The Watertight Door System:

The Watertight Doors can be opened and closed from the Tank Top-Level or from the Bridge.
the Tank Top-Level( Boiler Rooms, Engine Rooms, ...) you can open/close
each door individually, as long as the switch on the Bridge is in the
"Open" position. If the switch on the Bridge is set to the "closed"
position, all doors on the Tank Top-Level will close and a alarm will go

When the Watertight Doors are closed, a red light will go on in the Boiler Rooms.
In this case, secure all the doors by putting the switches in to the "closed" position as well(so they don't reopen).
The alarm will turn off when the switches on both sides of a watertight bulkhead are in the "closed" position.
Each watertight door on the Tank Top has its own alarm system.
is therefore necessary to set all switches into the "closed" position
in order to silence the alarm completely. The alarm will also turn off
when the switch on the Bridge is set to the "open" position.

all switches on the Tank Top-Level are in the "closed" position, a
yellow light on the bridge, will turn on, indicating that all watertight
doors are closed and secured.

All other Watertight Doors must be opened/closed manually.

The Engine Room:

The Reciprocating Engines can be turned on/off at the forward end of the Engines.

The Dynamos:

The Dynamos(the main Generators) in the Electric Engine Room can be turned on/off( all four of them).

The Elevators:

All four Elevators are fully operational. 3 in first class and one in second class.

The Coal Chutes:

Coal Chutes can be opened/closed from within the Coal Bunkers at G-Deck
level in all Boiler Rooms or from within the Reserve Coal Bunker. You
can access the Coal Bunkers via the Catwalks on G-Deck level(the only
Catwalk that goes all the way around).

Have fun.
Progress100% complete

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11/09/2019 3:41 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Click to reveal
Click to reveal

I am honest, I was amazed how well made this model was made and how well the textures match the map. I believe this is the most second accurate Titanic in Minecraft. I love the interactive reciprocating and electric engine and love how well the tiles, carpets and panelling match the open spaces and staterooms.
Click to reveal

But there are still a few historical mistakes I would like to point out:

First class lavatories and public baths
  • Had the same tiles as the swimming pool

Reciprocating engine casing
  • Cross sections of the reciprocating engine casing showcase that the plates where you could look down on the engines had a different layout (more like CronosDarth showcased).

  • In real life there was no watertight door indication panelling as A night to remember and the 1997 movie showcase. In real life there was a simple lever in the navigating bridge (not the wheelhouse) which was on the starboard side of the compass tower. [1]
  • The officers cabins (except for the captain’s bedroom) are believed to have linoleum tiles like they did in second class (this is the same for the purser, surgeon, assistant surgeon, restaurant manager, chief steward and the band quarters)
  • The dog kennels were believed to be on boat deck [20

  • Many historians believe the smoking room chairs and couches were burgundy and not green [1]

  • B-52 was in Louis XVI style, and not Regency as the 1997 movie showcased, onboard the real Titanic only C-55 was in Regency [1]. I also would like to point out the wreck interior scenes in the 1997 (except when the bots go down the 5 deck deep hole that once was the forward Louis XIV/grand staircase) were filmed on an underwater set. It also had a wooden floor with a carpet in the middle (like B-51 in Adam) [1] [3]
  • B-60 (in Queen Anne) is believed to had yellowish damask panelling, not pinkish like C-65 (C-65 is correct)
  • B-64 is believed to had pink damask panelling (not red, C-67 with blue damask panelling is correctly however)
  • B-82 (in Louis XV) had no damask panelling but oak panelling painted grey.

  • the door leading to the hospital in the starboard first class corridor is missing (see the deck plans)

These are all the mistakes I could find upon a first inspection. Keep up the good work.

Yours sincerely,


[1] the book “Titanic the ship magnificent volume 1 and 2”


[3] special edition of the 1997 movie with behind the scenes
collapsed content here

11/10/2019 12:42 pm
Level 40 : Master System
Thank you for your kind & informative cement. I will adress every point you made one or two at a time.

I will start with the First class lavatories and public baths:

The Floor Tiles I use are based on a Render from "Titanic Honor & Glory" wich is schown in the "Titanic Channel Episode" "Two Bath Tubs".
I made a Screen shot for you: http://www.mediafire.com/view/r6k1ofreyvnu366/First_Class_Bath.png/file

The Reciprocating Engine Room:

Is based on "Stevefury's" Engine Room Renders at:
11/13/2019 11:40 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
The tiles are correct for the private bath rooms (for A-36 and A-37, the private bath rooms of the suites/ special staterooms in period styles on B and C-deck and the bathrooms of the smaller staterooms on C-deck located forward), only the public where the same as the swimming pool. Just as the public lavatories. I forgot to mention that there where no engine telegraphs in the wheelhouse. Thank you for your response.
01/10/2020 10:52 am
Level 40 : Master System
First, let let me wish you a happy new year.
And let me apologise for my absence. December has been very busy for me, so i had very little time to commit to the Project. I have changed the tiles of the First class public baths(not uploaded yet).

I will start this year with the watertight door indication panelling:

I am aware that the watertight door indication panelling never existed on titanic. I chose to go for artistic freedom here becouse i wanted to bring in my electronics skills. I love building redstone circuits. I wanted to do more than just build a swich that lets the doors close. I wanted a feedback system wich is much more challenging to build.

The officers cabins:

I am currently in the process of changing the to linoleum tiles.

The dog kennels:

If i move the dog kennels to the Boat Deck, what schould i fill the now empty space in F-Deck with?

Best regards
03/06/2020 9:44 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Forgive me for my late response, it would have been a store room.
11/03/2019 9:52 pm
Level 43 : Master Goblin
Looks very nice +1 diamond and favorite
11/04/2019 5:09 pm
Level 40 : Master System
Thanks :)
