Minecraft Maps / Complex

SCP Foundation Biological Research and Containment Area [Area-12]

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Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
SCP Area-12 is a top-secret medical research and containment facility operated by the SCP Foundation. Specializing in the study of biological anomalies, Area-12 is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories, containment units, and medical facilities designed to handle and secure anomalous entities that pose a threat to human health. As a vital part of the Foundation’s efforts to understand and neutralize biological SCPs, Area-12 operates under strict security protocols to ensure the safety of both personnel and the general public.

Area-12 LogoSCP Foundation Biological Research and Containment Area 12 Logo.

Mods that the world contains
Soon here is going to be the Modpack!

The map can be used for RP if you give the credits.
This map is a new Project that im doing with my Friend DemonXD1982. this map is based in the Wikidot Security Facility Dossier of Area-12, the map is heavily inspired by SCP: Roleplay and SCP5K

Thank you for Reading!

Progress10% complete

1 Update Logs

Update of the Council N°1 : by FoxyXD1940 01/16/2025 2:21:13 pmJan 16th

The Logistic Sector has been finished with the works from [REDACTED] Schroeder. The Administration Zone is almost finished by te work of [REDACTED] Schroeder.

Thank you for reading!

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02/11/2025 5:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
is it out yet? or on-going construction?
01/10/2025 7:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
im hyped for this !!!!
