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ToDo: Rewards (Hearts/Loot) depending on "overflow". Effects.
- To start each session, visit the Secret Keeper and hit the button. They must be done in order!
- To gift a heart to the nearest player, run `function gift`. Limited to one per session!
Thanks to @cubage for building the Secret Keeper!
- To start each session, visit the Secret Keeper and hit the button. They must be done in order!
- To gift a heart to the nearest player, run `function gift`. Limited to one per session!
The Secret
- Players can earn hearts by completing their secret for the session.
- Players can gain up to 10 hearts by finishing their secret and turning it into the Secret Keeper.
- If the player redeems their secret their hearts will fill to 30, after they fill to 30 they will receive items instead of hearts until they get to 10 things given.
- Players can decide to receive a harder secret and receive up to 20 hearts upon completion. However, if they fail this harder secret, the player loses 10 hearts.
- If they spoil their secret, they lose the challenge and lose 10 hearts if it's a hard task.
- Red lives get slightly different tasks than Yellow and Green lives. These could include killing, though we do not fully know yet.
- Yellow lives are able to guess a player's secret once for each player. If they manage to guess correctly, that player fails their secret. If they get it wrong, they cannot interrogate that person again for the rest of the session.
- Like in 3rd Life, players get 3 lives each.
- Players begin with 30 hearts, and cannot regenerate health by traditional means.
- Once per session, players can "Gift" a free heart that is not taken from their heart total to any other player of their choice. This extra heart can put the player above 30 hearts. There is no other way to exchange hearts between players.
- Players can still receive extra hearts from golden apples during the period of the absorption effect.
- Unlike the previous season, only Red lives can kill in this season.
- Upon dying, players respawn on their next life with 30 full hearts.
- There is no boogeyman this season.
- Keep Inventory is also on, so if someone dies, they keep their inventory and XP.
- All hostile mobs have a chance to drop their egg. These eggs can also be obtained by completing secrets.
Thanks to @cubage for building the Secret Keeper!
Progress | 50% complete |
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13 Update Logs
Update #13 : by Kirbycope 11/30/2023 3:00:09 pmNov 30th, 2023
- Added Session 6.
- Fixed the reroll for Session 5.
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It says to start, press the button at the secret keeper. What button would that be?