Minecraft Maps / Complex

Shopping Mall

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Level 33 : Artisan Pony
I just build a big shopping mall on our server.

It will function as an ingame item-shop, using the iConomy-PlugIn in combination with the Showcase-PlugIn.
Therefore, all shops are build with stone-halfsteps, that will contain the purchaseable items.

On 4 floors, the mall contains:
- "Voodoo-Lady's Voodoo Supply" [sells potions, potion ingredients and similar stuff]
- "DJ Hero's Music Shop" [sells Music-Discs and Noteblocks]
- "Wool-World" [obviously sells wool and dyes]
- "Ammu-Nation" [sells weapons and armor]
- "Tim Taylor's Tool-Time" [sells tools]
- "Supermarket" [sells all kind of food and food ingredients]
- "Super Garden Center" [sells all plant stuff]
- "The Ore Store" [sells ingots, ores etc.]
- "Blockoland" [sells all kind of blocks]
- "mBay" [in the underground floor; players can sell their items to the shop here]

(cupcakes for everyone who gets the references in most of the shop names ^^)

All Shops have different interior designs to match the offered items.
I will add a YouTube video tomorrow.

Oh, and so far, the server is not open 4 all, but runs on whitelist. So, you cannot visit the mall yet. Sry!

CreditThanks to TheCellLP for interior design ideas
Progress95% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Tito 10/17/2011 2:08:41 amOct 17th, 2011

Video added

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11/26/2011 3:56 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Can you upload as a schematic for my server?
10/16/2011 10:18 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
Just needs Zombies and its just like the movies!
10/16/2011 7:03 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
how can i be whitelisted on the server
10/16/2011 8:26 am
Level 33 : Artisan Pony
You have to apply for it in our forum:


(We are a german-speaking clan, but feel free to post in english)

But in a week or two, when the new WorldGuard plugin runs on the new 1.9-version-server, we will remove the whitelist and make it free4all. But you will still have to apply for our server, in order to gain building permissions.
