Minecraft Maps / Other

Skull Island: Extended Edition PE

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Level 39 : Artisan Miner
Introduce Skull Island Minecraft
Version: PE & Java
Credits: Warner Bros. Pictures And Legendary Pictures, Tencent Pictures
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Product created to introduce the movie Kong Skull Island of the Monsterverse Universe.
The plane crashded: 1608 130 4830
They weathered storm: 2100 131 4500
Iwis Village: 1197 130 -749
Buffalo lagoon: -365 131 -1527
Chapman Dead: -606 132 -1826
Kong'bone: -1941 161 -1826
Bamboo Giant Spider: -2833 136 -815
Kong Vs. Optopus: -2886 131 178
SkullCrawler Rise: -997 140 -3075
Kong Vs. SkullCrawler: -568 135 -3506
Progress100% complete

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