Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Sky Island Pvp / Parkour Map [+Download]

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Level 49 : Master Elf

Built by Me
Rendered by Me
Tree by - H2Co3


This is a sky island arena, built for parkour / pvp. But you could probably use it for other things.
Though it is on the smaller side, it is approx 75 x 50 blocks. It has a secret entrance and easter-egg for players to discover.
Please enjoy, and happy gaming ~~

Copy & paste point - yellow terracotta block.


This build contains glitched blocks like saplings hanging from trees to create more vines, etc. If you don't have
Builder's Utilities or if you have block updates on - the blocks will decay/fall from their position.

Sky Island Pvp / Parkour Map [+Download] Minecraft Map
You CAN use this for your server, but you must credit me if you use it.

Progress100% complete

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11/29/2018 2:15 pm
Level 43 : Master Goblin
V nice :D
