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Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
This a Skyblocks PvP map with four skyblocks for four teams of two.
Each skyblock is about 250 blocks from the next one (they make a square)

Each player is given a bed and a leather cap at the beginning and can dye it to match the team colours in their team chamber.
To win you must destroy all other teams beds and also kill them too.

The spawn hub (control room) is at 130 245 -132
You may need to tp yourself there the first time you open the world

set the server spawn to -239 242 -133 (shame/death room)
this is where the losers go

In the control room under the spawn there are 4 buttons/levers
- Set all gamemode adventure
- Open the doors to the chambers for each team / give players bed and leather cap
- Tp all to spawn
- Start (tp players to their skyblocks) / set survival mode / set time night (can only be activated when the lever in each team room is pulled and my need to be pressed twice if you have teams of two)

Texture pack - http://bdcraft.net/download-bdcraft-texturepacks
Progress100% complete

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